A link to my neighbours/Community · Blog Awards · Blogging · Inspiration - Motivation

These Blings Of Mine…

Awards and recognition

The Laurels are multiplying by the day and it is really time that I attend to them.

My sincere apologies to my dear good blogging neighbours who have nominated me for these 15 awards for my delay in responding.

I appreciate each of you individually and collectively as a community of encouraging, motivating, inspiring, fun loving and wise people.

I may not have met any of you in the flesh, but to a large extent, your words do speak for who you are and I would like to refer to y’all as those that I call ”FINE GENTRY.

Due to the fact that it would be inundating to take these nominations one by one and my desire not to drive my friends batty with spurious award posts, I will have to break so many rules and merge these laurels of mine into one fine post.

Please stay seated whilst I give my speech 😉

First and foremost, I would like to thank the following awesome bloggers who nominated me for:

Blogger Recognition Award
For this nomination, I thank the following bloggers enlisted below:
 Cathy Lynn Brooks, Carol of Designing Life,KAT BLOGS Spontaneous Whimsy, Pancake Bunnykins
Creative Blogger Award
creative-blogger-300x300For this nomination, I thank the following bloggers enlisted below:
I care, U care, Velissima, Theshivasponder
Versatile Blogger
versatile-blogger-awardsFor this nomination, I thank I care, U care  .
Sunshine Blogger Award
sunshine-blogger-awardFor this nomination, I thank:Anand of Blabberwockying
Infinity Dreams Award
infinity-dream-awards-e1443952048855For this nomination, I thank I care, U care  .
Leibster Award
For this nomination, I thank the following bloggers enlisted below:
Wife who writes, EttaD Keeping up appearances,  
Premio Dardos Award
premios-dardosFor this nomination, I thank I care, U care  .

The Rules of Engagement:

  1. Select other blogs you want to give the award to.
  2. You cannot nominate yourself or the person who has nominated you.
  3. Write a post to show your award.
  4. Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  5. Give a piece of advice or two to new bloggers.
  6. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  7. Attach the award to the post (right click and save, then upload).
  8. Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them.
  9. Provide a link to the award post you created.



  • A brief about my blog.

Answer: I started my blog precisely on the 6th of May, 2015. My synopsis for starting this blog are: to meet other people who can enrich my mind through their stories and posts. An avenue to share my stories and thoughts and also as a medium of honing my writing skills, whilst developing the discipline of writing everyday.

  • A piece of advise to new bloggers.

Answer: My advise to new bloggers (I am still one by the way) is to write from within; from their hearts and not an attempt to be a copy of another blogger. That is unsustainable and would probably end up being disappointing. Keep your eyes away from the statistics at the onset. It is worse than watching paint dry. Write your post, then go out and engage with other bloggers. Visit other blogs and generally mingle. Attend as many blogging courses as time permits you. Don’t be a stranger!

  • Five facts about myself:


  1. I speak French and I love children’s coloured books (yes I said it! I think I am still a child at heart.
  2. This may not make sense, but I sincerely believe that all things work together for my own good – even the bad experiences, even when I don’t see the sense in them. I know that God knows!
  3. I am not yet a published author, but hope to be one in the near future.
  4. I love to dance and yes, I am probably one of those that you have to peel off the dance floor of a party. As long as the DJ is playing the right tunes, I am hopping to it 😉
  5. I used to model as a teenager and in my early twenties and sometimes, I wonder how different or the same my life would have been if I had continued modelling.
  • What do you like most about the present situation?

Answer: The fact that I am writing consistently these days. That I am at peace with myself.

  • Which is your best memory?

Answer: I hardly ever think of things as the best, because I always feel that something better might turn around the corner, but I think so far, my childhood days are my best memories.

  • Do you feel you are at peace with yourself?

Answer: I think I answered in the first question before getting here. Yes indeed, I am at peace with myself.

  • Who is your guide, guru or counselor? 

Answer: I have no human that fills that category. My Bible serves as my spiritual guide. My mother and husband serve as my human counselors and then I read a ton of books written by renowned motivators and counselors.

  • What makes you feel very good?

Answer: I try not to base my feeling good on the conditions of anything because life as we know it can get very sporadic, but I feel good when I set out to achieve something and succeed in doing so, even if they are menial, daily tasks.

  • Which quality or habit in your life do you like the most about yourself?

Answer: For quality I would say my empathetic and resilient spirit and for habit, I think my reading habits.

  • Who are your source of inspiration?

Answer: The word of God and my mother again. This is because she is one of the most generous humans I have ever met. Her faith in God always appears as solid as a rock in my eyes (maybe, she might have her doubts, but she never voices them). I don’t know if it means that I am not ambitious enough, but other people’s wealth does not really inspire me. What inspires me is how much they have positively impacted the lives of those around them.

  • What is the role of gratitude in your life?

Answer: In everything, I always try to give thanks. Gratitude turns what we have into enough and more. A grateful heart knows a lot of happiness.

  • Has blogging enriched your life? How?

Answer: Yes, in so many ways it has enriched my life. My blogging path has crossed those of other people who I may never have been opportune to meet. It serves as a personal source of accountability because it has kept my mind focused on writing.

  • What is your greatest talent?

Answer: I am still on a journey of self discovery and evolution. Maybe, I may still chance on a box of tricks hidden somewhere.

Without any obligations because I appreciate how long it takes to respond to these nominations, my Nominees, in no particular order are:

Smiling away allergies


Colette B

K. Phoenix


Sshh, Maddy is Writing

Oneta Hayes

Oba’s blog

Arpita’s Travelogue

Reading Writer

A Loco Viva Voce



Khaya Ronkainen

Geek Ergo Sum

Please check through the Awards and choose ONE that most appeals to you.

My 10 questions:

  1. What makes you happy?
  2. If your life was turned into a movie, what actor would play you?
  3. What’s your favorite memory?
  4. What is your greatest strength or weakness?
  5. What do you feel most proud of?
  6. What is your favorite music?
  7. If you could only keep 5 possessions, what would they be?
  8. If you win a lottery what would you do?
  9. What are you most afraid of?
  10. How would your friends describe you?

Enjoy and kind regards.

Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha
