Blog · Blogging


As the headline indicates, YES, I’m trying not to lose my marbles whilst juggling my ‘two’ blogs and I wonder how those super bloggers with dozens of blogs do it.

Truth be told, I haven’t published a post on this blog for several weeks and each day I feel a stab of guilt. It’s not that I don’t want to create new posts, but my time has been overtaken by the mundane necessities of life. However, to make a success of this blog, I must take the time to sift through the innumerable excuses, find and patch the loopholes and come up with a workable action plan.

Managing one blog is a time-consuming and tasking much less multiple blogs. It takes a special kind of crazy and a method to the craziness to do so. Just why on Earth would anyone choose to get entangled in such madness?

Of course, there are many reasons, such as:

Creating a second blog just for fun.
Creating another blog because the first one didn’t quite pan out as you wanted it to.
Creating a niche focused blog
Sharing your ability in different things.
The need to explore other opportunities.
Building another stream of income
Growing your network in another field
You are a professional blogger contributing or managing sites for your clients. READ MORE…


Go Hard or Go Home Approach To Making Your Blog Stand Out.

Anyone just starting out in the blogging world will probably wonder how long it takes to become successful. Well, that can depend on many different factors, but this post will focus on achieving that goal by making the blog stand-out from the crowd. Hopefully, people who put these tips into action will reach their dreams of becoming a professional blogger and website owner. It’s not as difficult as most people think when following the information outlined below. Also, there is no need to invest a lot of money in most instances.

Computer, Typing, Blogging, Writing, Keyboard


Publish excellent content all the time

It stands to reason that the best blogs always post fantastic and informative content for their readers. So, anyone who wants to succeed in the industry will have to focus on doing that first and foremost. Websites will never get millions of views every day if the content is less than perfect. That means it’s often sensible to employ the services of a freelance editor to check things over before anyone presses “publish.” Tips for writing great content include:

  • Presenting information readers don’t know
  • Offering a fresh perspective on different situations
  • Coming up with new ideas people have never voiced before

Create stunning graphics visitors can’t ignore

All bloggers should do their best to gain some basic graphic design skills if they want to make a success of their websites. Stunning imagery can encourage readers to come back time and time again. There is no need to stress if individuals have never done that in the past. There are plenty of Adobe Indesign training classes by Training Connection and similar providers. Sometimes it’s best to complete a program of that nature because they teach people how to use the software properly. So, anyone who does that should have a head start when it comes to designing unusual graphics people will never forget.

Consider adding a vlogging section to the site

Lots of people in the blogging world have moved towards vlogging in recent times. It’s a similar concept except the individual will record videos instead of writing articles. Anyone who chooses to do that should upload the clips to a YouTube channel as well as their website. That way, they open themselves up to an entirely new audience. There are lots of tips and advice available from Vlog Nation and similar sites. Far more people watch vlogs than reading blog posts these days. For that reason, all new bloggers should experiment with video when they get the opportunity.

From the suggestions mentioned on this page, new bloggers should manage to make some useful changes and increase the size of their audiences. When all’s said and done, there is more than enough room in the market for thousands of people to go professional in that industry. It’s just a case of finding the right approach and standing out from the crowd. As the old saying goes, individuals should either go hard or go home when it comes to making their site memorable to readers. Experiment, try various ideas and work out the best strategies based on the results. Good luck!

Blog · Blogging

31 Blog Post Ideas and Bite-sized Tips

Ideas on what to write surround us, yet there are times that we find ourselves floundering over what direction to follow with these ideas. While choosing topics to brainstorm and cast your masterful thoughts on, bear a couple of things in mind:

Make A Post, Post Ideas, Share A Travel, Ideas

Bite-Sized Tips

  • Do these ideas and projects fit in with the building blocks of your blog?
  • What is your authentic approach? Could it have a mark of individuality?
  • Consider what works best for you and your audience.
  • Now set some goals for the month.
  • Not in your mind, Put it down on paper.
  • Ready. Set. Get going.

31 Blog Post Ideas You Could Tussle With


  1. Review books, product, movies…
  2. Interview someone – make it interesting and dig beyond the surface
  3. Write 5 to 10 things about you that make you who you are
  4. Share some cool info-graphics or cartoons
  5. Critic some news. There’s always something happening
  6. Share a travel or work experience post
  7. Write a motivational/inspiring post
  8. Take part in a challenge
  9. Write a story post
  10. Photo of the week
  11. Pick of the week posts with links to the relevant post
  12. Are you up to running a contest?
  13. Make a post full of GIFs – humour and entertainment
  14. Quote of the week
  15. Share your goals publicly
  16. Create a link Carnival and ask others to join in the link-a-thon
  17. Build your to-do list
  18. Tell a joke – humour works
  19. Write a post on things you did or didn’t do that you regretted
  20. Dig up some little-known facts

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Don’t Quit Your Blog! Just Tweak it.

Is Your Blog in A Rut? Don’t Your Quit Blog.

Blog, Successful Blog, Don't Quit Blog, Blogging, Methodical Approach, Social media, Statistics

No one told you that it would be a slow climb of grits, cramped fingers and the snail pace attention from your expected dream audience.

No one told you that finding fame or making money from blogging is not easy pickings and that there are many days the thrill would fizzle out faster than the time it took the ink of your words to dry.

No one told you when you started blogging, all awash with excitement and so much to say, that time might come when you find yourself writing terse sentences such as:

Sorry I haven’t posted for AGES, guys.

Don’t know what to say….blah, blah.

If you are contemplating tossing in your paddle and jumping out of the choppy waters of your blogging boat; I would say, halt!

As a matter of fact, according to online research, most bloggers struggle and 95% of bloggers give up and abandon their blogs within six months of starting.

They open a blog, post with enough enthusiasm to keep a steam engine running for a while, then they either find a niche and a particular way of expressing themselves, or they run out of steam, lose heart and walk away.

The highway of the huge worldwide web is dotted with blogs abandoned by their owners and sometimes, it gives one a reason to pause and ponder why.

  • A common reason beginner bloggers give up is because they become frustrated by the technical side of things. They find customizing their blogs tedious and coupled with other stress factors, they pack up their bags and leave the scene.
  • Following quickly behind this is the fast-moving, ever-evolving world of social media that requires tons of attention to grow and engage an audience.
  • The toll from trying to grow a blog in the sea of blogs is the number one reason why bloggers quit.
  • Running out of ideas on what to blog about, not knowing what to do about their blog and a hectic lifestyle add themselves to the steamy cocktail to make it more challenging.

Don’t Become A Statistic

We all want a successful blog, but the difference between success and failure lies in doing the needful to succeed.

Success in general, regardless of the area it is in life, requires dogged discipline and consistency. It requires applying the right strategies and sticking with it for the long haul. People don’t become successful by giving up too soon.

I know that there’s a huge difference between saying “be patient and keep going”, and the reality, but with a pragmatic approach, your blog can survive and thrive. It need not become a statistic.

Methodical Approach – read more here…


Building Better Connections – Blog Bytes

Blog Tips, Build Better Networks, Networking, Social Networking Sites,

Building Better Connections

To build better connections for your blog, it’s far more expedient to spend a little time a day to read and comment on several blogs that you follow, than going through hundreds of them leaving your likes and Gravatar on a consistent basis like a sticker.

Your comments leave a more valid impression behind. It’s a painstaking and time-consuming affair, but worthwhile in the long-term.

Remember that people follow people – they essentially follow the perceived personality behind the blog, even when the blogger is anonymous – and not necessarily the website. It’s the connections that form the backbone of your blog and those few minutes spent commenting builds a bridge to networking.


Networking means doing a whole gamut of things that I have written about here before such as; Read More…


BLOG BYTES – Your First Audience is You.

Blog Tips, Blogging, Inner Voice, Writing, First Writing Audience

Let Your Inner Voice Speak

Your writing is your inner voice speaking to you, through the outpouring of your words. Write as if no one else will read what you are writing, that way, your thoughts remain focused.

Your words/writing would flow far easier when you focus on how to put your own thoughts, your own opinions, and ideas into words without distractions over who would read it.


Think of your writing as a conversation that you are having (yes we bloggers/writers speak to ourselves often, it’s all those muses you’ve got running around in your head) with yourself. You hardly run out of words when having a conversation with your favourite person – you. Read More…

Blog · Blogging


Find Blog Voice, Writing, Blog Tips, Originality, Blog Personality Attributes, Feedback, Purpose, Popular Post, Ideal Reader, Connect readers

Your Voice

Your blogs’ unique voice will strengthen your brand and focus. Your voice is that feeling, thoughts, emotions, reactions, that your writing evokes in your readers’ which causes them to internalize and personalize the content that they’ve read while trying to build a persona behind the author of the blog.

To find your voice is something that certainly takes time. It’s not a rush job. There will be many oscillations, but with practice, you will get better at it and it will flow far more naturally.

In order to truly connect with your readers’ and to build your desired community, you’ve got to do it your own way, in your own style but bearing your readers’ in mind.

Your blog is not all about you. If it’s just about you, then you wouldn’t be thinking of how to grow your audience. You’ll be just fine writing your thoughts on your bedside journal for no one else to read. In as much as your blog may represent many aspects of your thoughts and life, it by no means has all the nuances of your complicated persona which is why it’s also a separate and unique entity.

For the long-term growth of your blog, you’ve got to set a solid foundation. Blog your passion with purpose, with clarity and in your own voice.

How to find your voice 

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Blog Bytes – Stay True To Your Voice

Blogging Voice, Consistency, Find Voice, Audience, Blogging Topics, Building Connections, Take Time, Blogging Tips

Holding on to your voice

One great aspect of blogging that a good number of bloggers overlook is holding on to their voice in the huge world of blogging.The tendency is that in the bid to gain readership, they don’t take the time to understand that their voice is what drives their blog and in running helter-skelter one’s voice gets drowned out.

Your readers don’t care to follow your site as much as they care about the person/voice behind the site.

What’s your message? How distinct is your voice in the cacophony of voices? Take the time to find your voice and stay true to it. Read More


An Effective Poll Adds Value To Help Build Your Blog

Opinion Polls, Create Poll, Polldaddy, Surveys, Grow Blog ,,, enhance blog, audience interaction

Do You Use Polls?

There’s a reason why businesses run periodic polls/surveys because it helps them understand the demographics of their customer base and needs and ultimately helps them make strategic business decisions. Polling could save them from certain vulnerabilities, prevent threats to their business and boost their business immensely. It delivers valued feedback.

You might be wondering what your blog has to do with running a survey or poll if you are not selling any product? To state it succinctly, from the onset, you should think and treat your blog/site as your business even when you are not yet selling any tangible item. You are trading your words for attention/readership of an audience.

You are also showcasing your words perhaps for talent hunters and when you think of it from this perspective, it helps you refocus your thoughts on the significant ideas that could be the building blocks of your blog, it could also help you to know the weak links on your blog. The responses of your readers from a poll could yield many leads to topics to look into or write about. As a matter of fact, this post on polls emanates from a question asked by a reader – so, I’m taking a cue from that, thank you, Idle Muser 🙂 READ MORE



Blog Audience, Improve Blog, Writer, Blog Tips, Copy-writing, Branding, Social Media, Site Speed, Promotion, Grammarly, WPEngine, NameCheap

As a writer cum blogger, we all know how much effort and time it takes to craft your words, curate your images, tag, categorize, primp, polish and publish courageously, only for you to sit back satisfied, twiddling your thumbs anticipating a deluge of comments from expected readers, but, gasp and with a lump in your throat, no one hits that like button or even leaves a smiley face behind. It could dampen anyone’s enthusiasm.

The situation is tougher when you are just starting out with your blogging or writing passion and you need that validation that comes from others – of course, your few good buddies and mom would probably support you, woe betide them if they don’t, but we all do need that extra validation because we are social beings, so spare yourself the rhetoric of ‘I’m writing for myself,’ and let’s get to the cause. Read More