Echos Of My Neighbourhood

Glimpses of Lagos – Echoes of my Neighbourhood

This week found me in Lagos, Nigeria. Life has been on the fly and fun as well. Below are some photos that were taken on the go.

There’s no place quite like Lagos. Love or hate it, it seeps under your skin and leaves deep impressions that will always stay with you.

It’s a boisterous city filled with the poor and the extremely wealthy, shanties and mansions, the good, the bad and the downright ugly sides of society.

Lagos is Lagos and well-deserving of a full post that I will explore sometime soon.

Catalonia presented by Lady Lee looks like a lovely place to explore. Don’t you just love the fact that there are so many places on Earth to visit? My travel list is ever so long 😉

If you would like to participate, the challenge is quite simple and you can find out more about it through this link.

Echos Of My Neighbourhood

Itty-Bitty bits of my week – Echoes of My Neighbourhood.

No two days are the same in my life and I believe most people as well. I’ve had a calm week going about my various responsibilities as usual. One rule that I’ve made is to always find something to highlight and smile about each day. To find little inexpensive ways to reward/treat

One rule that I’ve made is to always find something to highlight and smile about each day. To find little inexpensive ways to reward or treat myself each day or weekly.

Echos Of My Neighbourhood · Travel

Sharjah Aquarium – Echoes of my neighbourhood

Watching sea life is so satisfying and has a way of relaxing my nerves and calming my mind. As a matter of fact, I am persuaded in my mind to get a small aquarium – hoping the poor fishy will thrive if I do so.

I always try to sneak in a detox outing/walkabout for myself sometime during the busy week. I simply shut down everything and just go to unwind.

My walkabout took me to Sharjah’s Aquarium and marine museum – will share the museum photos later. Emirate of Sharjah is one of the 7 emirates that form the UAE and on a good day without traffic, it’s just forty minutes drive from home.

Lady Lee sends us postcard pretty weekly smiles and sinful online platters to indulge in 🙂

If you would like to participate, the challenge is quite simple and you can find out more about it through this link.

Echos Of My Neighbourhood

Dubai Canal Boardwalk – Echoes of my Neighbourhood

This city is constantly changing its aesthetics, adding new attractions and relaxation points each day. The new Dubai canal boardwalk offers a beautiful waterside walkway that runs about 3.2 km each way.

We went there on a Saturday night there were loads of families were out for a stroll, several joggers pounding the pavement, selfie-takers indulging themselves, people sitting around chit-chatting away, boats with happy party passengers cruising up and down the canal.

Interestingly,  there are USB chargers installed in the streetlights so you can charge your phone for all those snaps. Two of the pedestrian bridges are open and the views are amazing.

Some work is still ongoing to turn the place green, however, the total ambiance like the French would say ‘C’est Magnifique.’

Oh, my word! Lady Lee knows how to lay a table that would make you drool and the snowy shots of Munich are simply enchanting. They look like postcards. Take a peek 🙂

If you would like to participate, the challenge is quite simple and you can find out more about it through this link.

Dubai Canal Board Walk, Recreation, UAE, Family Time, Architecture, Cityscape, City scene, Illumination

Dubai Canal Board Walk, Recreation, UAE, Family Time, Architecture, Cityscape, City scene, Illumination

Dubai Canal Board Walk, Recreation, UAE, Family Time, Architecture, Cityscape, City scene, Illumination

Dubai Canal Board Walk, Recreation, UAE, Family Time, Architecture, Cityscape, City scene, Illumination

Dubai Canal Board Walk, Recreation, UAE, Family Time, Architecture, Cityscape, City scene, Illumination

Dubai Canal Board Walk, Recreation, UAE, Family Time, Architecture, Cityscape, City scene, Illumination

Dubai Canal Board Walk, Recreation, UAE, Family Time, Architecture, Cityscape, City scene, Illumination

Dubai Canal Board Walk, Recreation, UAE, Family Time, Architecture, Cityscape, City scene, Illumination

Echos Of My Neighbourhood

IMG-Dubai – Echoes of My Neighbourhood

For several weeks, I’ve not shared photos taken for Echoes because I was initially contemplating letting the project fizzle out and start another photo project but I realized that I love taking photos of this and that around me and simply can’t stop shooting. I literally go everywhere with my camera and these past weeks I took loads of photos.

Over the holiday two dear friends and their family visited Dubai from Chicago and it was simply a wonderful time and they were happy to be away from Chicago cold for 10 days 🙂

One of the places we went to is the theme park – IMG worlds of adventure – where the children went on dizzying rides (for me) and they had fun. A lot of eating happened during this vacation and I’ve refused to give my scale the delight of making a mockery of me 😉

Echos Of My Neighbourhood

Hello There… Echoes of my neighbourhood

It feels so strange to get back to my blog after four days of been away from it. The longest ever that I’ve been missing in action.

I’ve been on the move around the Middle East, Bahrain-Qatar, and connecting was giving me so much stress that I decided to chill and let it be. I’ve missed the banter and you guys, that it felt like aeons to me.

I love this community of friends and as I catch my connecting flight back to DXB, I will quickly add some snips and snaps of my walkabout.

Stay blessed and talk to you tomorrow.


Echos Of My Neighbourhood

Bits and Pieces of my week – Echoes of my neighbourhood.

Sorry for the late posting of my echoes, I’m between trips and connecting on the move can be challenging.

My week has zoomed past in a whizz and a blur. I’ve had many low moments bordering on despair and a number of even moments but I’m getting to an even keel.

Here are bits and pieces of photos taken during the week.

Have you been to Girona, Spain? Lady Lee takes us on a lovely outing. Take a peek 🙂

Each week, I share photos on ‘Echos of my Neighbourhood.

If you would like to participate, the challenge is quite simple and you can find out more about it through this link.

Echos Of My Neighbourhood

The Rabbit, The Pigeon and The Park – Echoes of my neighbourhood

Thankfully, I went off to unwind with the family before everything went wonky election wise. Now I need to unwind even some more.

Nothing beats relaxing in nature to work out the kinks.

So, take up your mats and collapsible camp chairs and just go and relax. After all said and done, your well-being counts for everything.

Lady Manila shares her breathtaking NaNoPloBano post with us. Have a look see 🙂

On Thursdays, I share pictures about ‘Echos of my Neighbourhood.

If you would like to participate, the challenge is quite simple and you can find out more about it through this link.




Echos Of My Neighbourhood

IKEA Do You? – Echoes of my neighbourhood

The days are super busy and getting shorter with darkness that falls so quickly and early that by the time I get done and about to go catch a breather, it’s literally too dark.

No matter, it’s all good and I’ve been able to find times to sneak in some little time just to empty my mind and enjoy those moments of doing trivial things that relax and gives me pleasure like going to IKEA to buy a potted plant to give someone and of course eating there as well. Their food is so filling and delicious which is why there’s always one long queue of hungry people.

What have you been up to with your week? I hope that you find time in a hectic to unwind 🙂

On Thursdays, I share pictures about ‘Echos of my Neighbourhood.

I would like to invite you to participate. The challenge is quite simple and you can find out more about it through this link.


Echos Of My Neighbourhood

Flattening My Gluteus Maximus – Echoes of My Neighbourhood

My Echoes this week has been more on my butt, making it flat writing posts for my new blog ‘The Art of Beautiful Expressions’ and curating photos to upload.

The weather is getting so lovely these day that it’s beauty beckons one to go out and explore and I intend to maximize the opportunity starting from this weekend.

Between the usual weekly runaround of trying to earn a livelihood to keep the body and soul together, keeping the family machine well-oiled and running, I clicked some photos for the week here and there, from a little adventure in a quaint elevator, running into a wedding party, speedy shopping…

Lady Lee shares some weekly smiles – a tasty platter made by her darling him indoors and gorgeous photos to feed the eyes.

Now, be a good neighbour and share yours with us 😉

On Thursdays, I share pictures about ‘Echos of my Neighbourhood.

I would like to invite you to participate. The challenge is quite simple and you can find out more about it through this link.

We will be having our monthly blog party this weekend – Saturday 29th – Sunday 30th. It’s a Halloween themed party. Stay tuned and hope to see you in your dreary, scary drag.

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