Echos Of My Neighbourhood

Awesome Talents Abound – Echoes of my neighbourhood

To be an artist is to believe in life – Henry Moore

The just concluded World Art Exhibition in Dubai was sublime. My eyes fed on the creativity of talented artists from different parts of the world with such greed and pleasure that I went away sated and feeling fuller than one who had gorged on a 5-course meal continental buffet.

The huge display of artwork that ranged from the simple to magnificent pieces evoked all possible emotions that you can think of except anger. I tittered in laughter, I sighed, I gaped, I felt wistful, happy, melancholic, inspired…. Some pieces were simple to understand, some frightened you with their darkness, but the greatest feeling that I had was to take all of them home with me.

Unfortunately, at this present time, my heart is willing but my pocket is lean. The prices of some of these pieces could keep yours truly fed fat for a year. The wonderful thing about exhibitions is that for the token fee charged at the entrance you get to enjoy the lovely ambiance and window shop for free 😉

Here are some of the photos taken out of over 600 shots that need to be curated and enjoyed.

Take a peek. Lady Lee inspires me with her photos. I’ve got an idea for this weekend.

I would like to offer the free use of any of my photographs that interest you.

Should at any time you wish to use my images, please feel free to give me a nudge and I’ll email it to you free from any image credit attributions. 

Dubai · Echos Of My Neighbourhood

Let’s Go Around The World In One Day – Echoes of my neighbourhood

If only it’s possible to go around the world in one day, yours truly would be the first to hop on that ride. Anyhow, we can simulate it by visiting the Global Village in Dubailand.

The Global Village Dubailand Dubai is a one of it’s kind in the region. It’s the world’s largest leisure, tourism, and entertainment project and receives well over 5 million visitors in a period of 150+ days. Due to the extremely hot weather in the Middle East, it operates only from November to April when the temperature is humane.

So far, the village houses 30 pavilions representing more than 75 countries in the World, from Africa to North America. The fact is that one can’t adequately cover every part of this theme village in a day. It measures 17,200,000 sq ft  / 1,600,000 m2  and there’s so much to see, with cultural shows, concerts, pavilion shows, sales and all manners of entertainment happening at every corner and the huge crowd on all sides.

I managed to catch the close of the village for the year which was last weekend, on the 8th of April. It was worth the visit though I couldn’t cover it all and I went home with sore but happy feet 😉

Lady Lee’s Thursday special is pure eye candy. Do take a peek.

Join me for a wee while as I speedily take you along.



Echos Of My Neighbourhood

A Promenade, A little Show and Some Fake Snow…Echoes of My Neighbourhood

  • I thought that I would have a quieter week this week with the children being on a mini-vacation from school. I lied!

There were lots of pending activities to fit into our busy days – church matters and meetings, school projects, getting my daughters hair fixed (a major project) etc, etc.

Phew! I didn’t know when we hit Thursday but we did manage to squeeze in fun along the way. That’s what living is, isn’t it? Balancing all the nuts on your fire 🙂

City walk Dubai is a beautiful location to visit anytime. There’s so much that aesthetically pleases the eyes’ and there are loads of people to watch. I took lots of photos that I don’t even know which one’s to use.

Lady Lee shares some leche flan with us. Do you know how to make one?

Echos Of My Neighbourhood

City Bits in Monochrome – Echoes of My Neighbourhood

It’s been a calm week with the children at home for a short break and oh boy, am I enjoying the slower pace of things. My photo taking has been as random as ever with no particular focus in mind and I’ve been playing with taking photos in monochrome.

Lady Lee serves us mouthwatering dishes from The Philippines.  Do take a peek.


Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, Twin Towers, Monochrome

Sheikh Zayed Road


Dubai · Echos Of My Neighbourhood · Travel

Spicing It Up…Echoes of My Neighbourhood

If you ever visit my neck of the woods, a visit to ‘The Spice Souk is imperative.

I visited the souk to replenish my small collection of spices, herbs and teas. Leaving sticks of cinnamon, vanilla, some aromatic herbs and essence in little corners around the house, simply creates a fresh, lovely fragrance for the house.

Inhale deeply when you step into the narrow alleyways of the Spice Souk which is located in Deira.

Savour the lively ambience and the eclectic aromas of the old World as you are introduced to mounds and mounds of aromatic herbs and spices spilling from large baskets at every turn.

Bags of spices, incense, frankincense, dry hibiscus, sunflower seeds, rose petals, traditional medicinal products and so much more are stacked outside each stall with the stall owners beckoning you from all angles to come in to patronise them.

They will promise you the best quality of spice, herbs et cetera, and if you’re looking to buy, bargaining is quite the norm in the souks.

Always ask for the best price, particularly when paying cash, which is the most common way to pay and do enjoy the haggling 😉

Every part of the world holds its delightful charms and lady Lee introduces us to Batanes. A superb adventure going by her delightful photos.

Travel itch has attacked my feet 😉


Echos Of My Neighbourhood

The Dancing Fountain and Echoes of A Celebration

Someone please grab the tail of time and tie it to the end of a strong tree.

Phew! It’s a week already. Immersed between a lot of this and that and reading for an exam that’s taking place today – maybe I will be in the exam hall sweating my French as you read this – this echo will be sweet and brief.

Nonetheless, in the speed of time, I still found time to celebrate my birthday at my favourite Italian place. I had a craving for yummy pasta and the children wanted pizza. Their Ravioli Al Porcini, Capricciosa and Valtellinese pizza are just so fresh and delicious.

It’s a good thing we ate after the jumping and not before ‘cos I was just stuffed.

I took a short video of the beautiful burst of colours of the water display 🙂

Echos Of My Neighbourhood

Voilà- Echoes of my neighbourhood

My echoes of the week have been between slow running through life and fast sprinting to catch up with time trying to keep the loose ends tied up.

A better part of my week has been spent at Alliance Francaise, Dubai. I have a French Translation proficiency test for a program that I am considering and my French is getting a bit rusty from insufficient use;

donc j’ai decidé d’aller à l’Alliance pour quelques jours pour faire un peu d’immersion (therefore, I decided to go to Alliance for a couple of days for intensive catch up).

I am partial to things French and since I can’t go to France right now, let me enjoy the ambiance of little French around me.

Back to class. What are you up to?

Bon journée

Echos Of My Neighbourhood

Festival of Lights, This n’ That – Echoes of My Neighbourhood

This week zoomed past before I could say hey presto. Phew! I’m trying to exhale and catch up with lots of things.

We’ve had unprecedented drippy weather that I anticipate the heat will heat us soon with disgusting enthusiasm and my week has been a mish-mash of this n that.

From going to view the display of city lights for the festival of lights in Sharjah, to attending a jet-ski race on Dubai marina – those machines are powerful and the riders have gumption – sometimes life seems to be hurtling along on a speed train.

Have you seen the movie John Wick Chapter 2? I went to watch it over the weekend and it was a blast.  I wrote a little review on it in Niume. Have you joined yet?

Do share your neighbourhood with us. To join the fun, check this link.

It’s a beautiful new month, let’s make the best of it.

Echos Of My Neighbourhood

Central Souk and The Walkabout – Echoes of my neighbourhood

One fervent thought that is crystal clear in my mind is to enjoy where ever I am at each point in time. To be at peace with myself and my environment.

Sometimes people ask me ‘how do you cope with living in a predominantly Muslim society,‘ and I smile in response with a simple statement ‘I’m loving it.’

The differences in culture and society are certainly there but the real truth is that this place is a potpourri of nationalities and there’s so much to learn from being around others.

My message here is that wherever you find yourself – even if it’s in your good old hometown, live with open eyes’ embrace each day with positive energy.

My weekly meanderings took me to the central souk in Sharjah. I always try to find a new location within a day’s travel at most from me to visit and I enjoy a leisurely train/bus ride to the place. Sometimes, I drive myself as well but most times, I just enjoy the process of the journey – that’s the fun part.

Lady Lee shares her weekly smile with us. Do take a make and grab a smile 🙂

If you would like to show us your neighbourhood, the challenge is quite simple and you can find out more about it through this link.


Echos Of My Neighbourhood

Mixed Glimpse of My Neighbourhood. Lagos & Dubai

I went visiting home – Naija several days ago. It was a trip of mixed feelings. I was happy to see home and family but not too happy with the slow progression of things back home. The government just hasn’t served its people well.

Well, all is well that ends well. It was a good trip and I traveled back to base in Dubai, jumping right back into the bus(y)ness of life.

Lady Lee’s all set off to the Philippines – another country on my list. I know she’ll bring back loads to see 🙂

If you would like to show us your neighbourhood, the challenge is quite simple and you can find out more about it through this link.