Philosophy of Life · Self Help

It’s a new year after all…

Photo by cottonbro studio on

As always, the hand of time turns effortlessly and before you finish clinking your champagne glass, a day goes by, the 2, 3, and they all roll along to weeks, months and then its year end again, when we rush to meet deadlines, get to sing Christmas carols, feel warm and fuzzy and hey presto! Happy new year greetings are being exchanged once more and we are caught in the New Year resolution fever. 

Armed with good intentions, gratitude for the blessings of the past year and surviving the vagaries that comes with living, we eagerly usher in the New Year completely determined to do our best and to get the best out of the year.

A lot of us say things like: ‘this is my year,’ ‘this year will be magical,’ ‘I will have so many breakthroughs this year,’ etc. and the list goes on.

All well and good. Seeking to be better than we were and doing better than we did is always commendable, but the question remains, how dogged, dedicated and passionate are we to truly arrive at these demanding goals that we set for ourselves at the beginning of each year? Or are we just going forward making a wishful list without the backbone to see them through thereby leading ourselves down the path of breaking of resolutions before they have even taken off and multiple disappointments over time? There is nothing wrong with setting goals, but goals without the right systems put in place will place will most certainly fall apart.

As always, I say, live your best life in the moment, try to stay accountable so that you can be the best version of you each day every day in all ramifications and as the moments roll by, it is far easier accomplishing those aspirations. Of course, life happens and sometimes things outside our control happens. Nonetheless, it is not always about what happened to us that’s the issue, it’s about how we react to what happened. It’s about how we rise from the dust of a situation, dust ourselves off and keep pushing and most times, it is easier to pick up from where you left off when your actions are almost second nature.  

Think on these thoughts succinctly whilst attempting to revamp your entire life.
What are the deep lessons that you learnt the last 365 days of 2023 and how do you intend to leverage on them?

Happy New Year to you and your beloved ones’. May 2024 be kind to all of us.

5 thoughts on “It’s a new year after all…

  1. That’s a great article, thank you. I had a terrible year. Had a stroke which led to a breakdown which led to losing my girlfriend and home. I’m in a good place now, though, and hopeful for the future.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. John, thank you for reading my post and for your thoughtful comment. I am sorry that 2023 was an unfortunate year for you, thankfully, you are doing better. It’s really challenging when life knocks us down and people that we count on desert us in the midst of our struggles, it makes me think that they were never meant to be in our lives in the first place and their season is over. I hope that this year brings you better tidings and cherished moments.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you, but I need to tell you she didn’t abandon me. She did everything she could for me, but, well, it’s complicated, but I don’t want you to think she abandoned me. I still love her very much.


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