Inspiration - Motivation

Thought For Tuesday…

Never let others project their sense of limited ability on you. The greater part of society and school rob us big time. We are made to feel that our abilities are limited and the continued reinforcement of these limitations erodes our creative confidence.

Every single one of us is born with incredible imagination, intelligence, and intuition, but when we are untrained to tap into these powers they simply shrivel and die.

As adults, many of us are lugging around the baggage of all the ‘you can’t and ‘limiting mindset’ that we acquired in childhood. Due to these habits that we learned growing up, constant settling, avoidance of risk, and learned helplessness become a norm.  Most people settle to such an extent that they believe that ‘this is as good as it gets and can’t be better.’ They are contented trudging along the treadmill of a mediocre life,  barely breaking any sweat and never getting anywhere.

Your fear must never be the fear of being different but the fear of settling for mediocrity.

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One thought on “Thought For Tuesday…

I love it when you decorate my heart with your words..