
After The Tremors…

Borrowing the words from Jim Reeves ‘We thank thee,’ indeed I am most thankful this morning for a newborn day.

Grateful, Every Day, A Gift, Life
I woke up to the news of tremors felt in the UAE following the powerful 7.3 magnitude earthquake which shook the Iran-Iraq border late Sunday, killing at least 145 people.

Whilst in the lift, my neighbour was happy to regale details of how he felt the ground shake last night and I felt so glad that I, yours truly snoozed through the shake and turbulence, however, that left me pondering at the transient nature of life as I took my brisk early morning walk.

Each day, we take the gift of tomorrow for granted. We make plans for tomorrow with so much assuredness, our daily lives often lived in auto-drive and rat race. That tomorrow just fades into another day with lots of unfulfilled hopes and dreams, whilst we wait for the next tomorrow.

Many have lost their lives in this natural disaster; their hopes and dreams brought to a grinding halt. That’s the way it is…a time to live and a time to die, but as we live, we must endeavour to make the best of each day and appreciate the beauty of life that surrounds us as it is.

Every day, find three things to be grateful for.

Have a great week.


9 thoughts on “After The Tremors…

  1. You too have a nice week Jacque….
    I am running a gratitude journal, though I don’t enter into that daily..still reading it after some days is really soothing…


  2. Beautiful lines these👇

    “Each day we take the gift of tomorrow for granted. We make plans for tomorrow with so much assuredness, our daily lives often lived in auto-drive and rat race. That tomorrow just fades into another day with lots of unfulfilled hopes and dreams, whilst we wait for the next tomorrow.”
    Good one


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