Rononvan's Weekly Haiku Challenge

Painted Mask…

When I saw Ronovan’s prompt for this week’s haiku ‘painted & lady’ I chuckled, wondering what prompted his train of thought.

These days, I marvel at how much time some ladies spend painting and brushing and painting some more. It just seems too exhausting taking all that time applying layers and layers of makeup that one would wash off at the end of the day. Just a little dab should suffice.

The lady wears heavy makeup

I wonder if she recognizes herself anymore

beneath her bright painted mask.



28 thoughts on “Painted Mask…

  1. I agree too much isn’t good. On the other hand, you can consider your face another type of canvas and doing fun or bright makeup (in some situations) is a form of art. Still, often it can be used as hiding or in some sense camaflouge if ones skin isn’t so nice or even a camaflouge that allows a person to give themselves permission to act certain a way wearing it whether it’s more flamboyant, more artsy, or in some cases more authorative at work.

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    1. You break it down pretty well Mandi. I love the idea of using it as a canvas – especially for fun events and stuff and I do see people who have skin problems etc use makeup to help them (though I worry that the makeup could aggravate their situation).

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      1. In some cases. They also have a lot of different makes ups now that are more naturally and would be less aggravating. For instance Clinique has foundation with acne medication I used it until almost the end of university was and is very good. Same with their powders or a powder that’s good coverage but it’s mineral powder. Mineral is always a good thing 🙂

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