Rononvan's Weekly Haiku Challenge

Painted Mask…

When I saw Ronovan’s prompt for this week’s haiku ‘painted & lady’ I chuckled, wondering what prompted his train of thought.

These days, I marvel at how much time some ladies spend painting and brushing and painting some more. It just seems too exhausting taking all that time applying layers and layers of makeup that one would wash off at the end of the day. Just a little dab should suffice.

The lady wears heavy makeup

I wonder if she recognizes herself anymore

beneath her bright painted mask.




WooHoo! Interesting Milestone…What does 1,337 represent?


So, I received this badge today and I honestly don’t understand what it signifies and why that specific number 1,337?

I have blogged for precisely 392 days and I receive this notification congratulating me on my 1,337 posts.

Does it mean there’s a cheque in Fedex winging it’s way to me in Dubai? I wiggle my eyebrows in anticipation 😉

Let me toddle off to help desk and ask. I like knowing stuff for knowledge sake. Who knows what I might find.

Well, I’ve been writing quite a bit 🙂

Photographs · Wordless Wednesday

Empty heads…Wordless Wednesday


For complete numb skulls, they do look trendy and highly fashionable 🙂


Below is my first Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

Out of the silent breath