Stream of Consciousness Saturday.

What’s in A Title? SoCS

My new poetry book’s title is ‘Unbridled’ which hopefully should be released this week since it has passed the review on Createspace. I am happy to get it out and hope to see it do well in the market. Isn’t that what we all hope for when we are working on those books of ours? For our book not just to become one more title languishing in the humongous world of books, but to create some ripple of its own?

To choose a book title can be a tricky thing, to say the least. There’s a book that I am working on and I kid you not when I say that it I am yet to decipher ‘the book title‘ for this book. I am just enjoying cobbling the story together and I guess somewhere along the line, the name will come to me.

That said, the book title that has earned me a ‘side-eye’ from my hubby and a curious query from my daughter is the one that I’m presently reading ‘How to kill your husband (and other handy household hints),’ by Kathy Lette. I guess with such a book title, any spouse would raise their eyebrows in silent query 😉

It’s not only funny, filled with wise cracks but has an interesting plot twist and I am enjoying reading several pages before nodding off to sleep each night.

Normally, I would finish a book within two days, but these days the enormity of things that I’ve to do just makes my reading time less than it used to be. Besides, there’s no rush but to take the time to savour a book. I am not in a competition with anyone on how many book titles I’ve read.


Thank you, Linda, for this week’s interesting prompt ‘book title.’


13 thoughts on “What’s in A Title? SoCS

  1. Yes a book title that grabs the eye. Gets the viewers attention and hopefully entices them to take a look then purchase.

    Imagine instead of the Paul Simon song 50 Ways to Leave your Lover ~~ 50 Ways to Kill Your Lover for the Murder Mystery Suspense Audience. Just make sure your current Lover does not see what you’re writing!! LOL!! ❤ 🙂 😀

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  2. Titles can be hard, and if you go through a traditional publisher they’re liable to change. When my novel The Divorce Diet sold, the publisher went through endless substitute titles before finally bringing it out as–yes–The Divorce Diet. To my relief.

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  3. If judging a book by a cover is bad, then judging a book by its title must surely be worse. After all, covers are pictures, pictures are worth a thousand words, and titles are usually a mere phrase.

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