Health · Social Issues · Wellness

The Gatecrashers…

As I think of Kate Spade, my mind goes to this poem that I wrote which can be found in my poetry book Unbridled.’ You can read Unbridled for free. 


Image result for mental health images

The Gatecrashers

Uninvited, they arrive. I smell them from miles away.

Their radar zeros into the crowd, they steal in to join the happy gang.

Their presence disturbs and stifles, like thieves, they are up to no good.

Planting themselves on both sides like guards, the silent battle of my mind begins.

My other self, the invisible one vacates in a hurry to watch them from the other side

‘Do they know your secrets?’ depression asks in its know-it-all voice.

‘I bet you wouldn’t be the belle of the ball if they knew,’ loneliness opines.

Lips crack a smile, false laughter rings in the room,

intelligent conversation over glasses of wine;

breezy kisses blown into the air of cheek sides,

troubles forgotten maybe till tomorrow or less;

We do know how to throw great parties,

our mannequin faces caked in powder

I count minutes before it’s alright to escape;

With depression and loneliness dogging each step I take,

making such ruckus as we jostle out of the room.

© 2018 Jacqueline

Mental illness and depression is no respecter of persons and knows no boundaries. It is a silent killer and fast becoming an epidemic. An insidious illness that robs the sufferer of so much. We must stop the stigma. There’s nothing to be ashamed of. We must keep talking and keep the channels of listening open. Please take care of yourself and each other.

#RIP Kate #How are you feeling? #It’s okay to ask for help

Mental Health Matters

Book · Book Review

Yes To This!

Image result for five star images

At a time such as this – that has been rough on my nerves – and my thoughts filled with self-doubt and self-flagellation of the mind, finding this little note tucked away in my overflowing email box gives me the thrills.

Suffice it to say that indeed words make a difference and hearing positive things help to boost one’s flagging confidence immensely.

From my heart to yours, I say thank you, Deborah 🙂


Poetry Book Review, Commendation, Unbridled, Out of The Silent Breath


Once again Jacqueline has taken readers on a journey. Releasing Golden Bird’s from not so Gilded cages into brazen reality. Within her carefully woven word tapestries, the Phoenix arises from Ashe’s Reborn into New Glories.

These are powerful and explosive vignettes. Jacqueline Prose Poetry bursts through the pages capturing the hearts and souls of her readers. She explores the depth and breathe of Women’s lives and loves. Dancing Palmtrees

You can read Unbridled on Kindle Unlimited for free. 

Product Details

Now Available



Book · Book Review

Drum Roll Please…

Review Comments From Aspen Tree Books Review

First, I do want to say that some of the poems may be triggering for those recovering from abuse.

Second, I want to say, this is beautiful poetry.

The free verse is strong, descriptive, haunting, lovely.  Jacqueline paints with her words. like an artist.

This is no Monet, this is a Helen Frankenthaler with her bold marks and colors.  There is a section which is written in relation to abuse and some of it is very dark.   Darkness is gut wrenching at times, but the light of hope that shines through is blinding.

My heart agonizes for the girl who has lived through excruciating torment.  But the woman she has become?  She is an Amazon; a warrior of her own heart.

I am very moved by Jacqueline’s words.  I already have my favorites and it’s amazing how Jacqueline reaches in and I feel the warmth.  The last 20 poems are exquisite and delightful.

I give this book a high recommendation, for yourself, for a friend… maybe for an Amazon you know.

Thank you, Jacqueline.  You are amazing.

You can check out Aspen Tree Book Reviews blog and get connected.

Check out my latest book ‘Unbridled.’

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Whoop Dee Doo! For The First Time Ever…

For ever, I’ve been touching other people’s books but it’s never been mine. To touch my book in paper print with my name nicely written on the cover is akin to a spiritual feeling. It smells good, it feels good, I am tickled pink with pleasure and feel full.

Unbridled, For The First Time, Excited, Book, Author, Poetry Book, I Am Writing


My first book was in digital format because I was still trying to wrap my head around how to do the print version and hopefully, I will turn it into paperback soon.

Several weeks ago, I ordered a proof copy of Unbridled, sadly USPS bungled it up and only heaven knows which part of the Universe my parcel is floating in, so I had to re-order through priority shipping which cost me quite a bit sending it by UPS courier from the US to UAE, I am, however, happy to finally have it in my hands and it feels fantastic 🙂

I am equally happy to let you know that you can now access Unbridled on Kindle for those who find Kindle more convenient.

It would be a delight to have you check it out and give your candid feedback. Thank you for your continued support and encouragement.


Unbridled, Poetry Books, Books, Authors, Spoken Word, Published, Amazon, Kindle

Available On








Available in paperback on Amazon


Writing is turning my pain into art.


Writing has been therapy and coping mechanism to deal with things that threatened to drown me. I still surprise myself at how far I’ve come and how much healing, grace and joy that I’ve received.

I wrote the first book ‘Out of The Silent Breath,’ in doubt of my capability to do it.  This second poetry book ‘Unbridled,’  is written not just for me, but for love and those who keep me sane.

Unbridled is written for souls hurting, for healing and becoming.

It is served to be well-thumbed and mulled over.

Written in free verse each poignant poetry vibrates with a life of its own.

Bold and uncensored verses that talk about societal issues of rape, domestic violence, sadness, infidelity, racial discrimination, sex, depression, loss, pain, femininity, grief, suicide, womanhood, relationships, love, resilience, courage, anger, mental health, paedophilia, child abuse, break up, conflict, loneliness, ageing, life, lust, optimism, Poverty, Race, Death, Justice, Beauty, Endurance, Faith, Dreams and Empowerment.

The author’s words epitomise the poetic impulse to capture concentrated images from experience and observing life’s moments; impassioned, ecstatic, sad, fiery, sensual; they are naked intimate expressions saying as much as they can say in few words.

To purchase, check this link.



Stream of Consciousness Saturday.

What’s in A Title? SoCS

My new poetry book’s title is ‘Unbridled’ which hopefully should be released this week since it has passed the review on Createspace. I am happy to get it out and hope to see it do well in the market. Isn’t that what we all hope for when we are working on those books of ours? For our book not just to become one more title languishing in the humongous world of books, but to create some ripple of its own?

To choose a book title can be a tricky thing, to say the least. There’s a book that I am working on and I kid you not when I say that it I am yet to decipher ‘the book title‘ for this book. I am just enjoying cobbling the story together and I guess somewhere along the line, the name will come to me.

That said, the book title that has earned me a ‘side-eye’ from my hubby and a curious query from my daughter is the one that I’m presently reading ‘How to kill your husband (and other handy household hints),’ by Kathy Lette. I guess with such a book title, any spouse would raise their eyebrows in silent query 😉

It’s not only funny, filled with wise cracks but has an interesting plot twist and I am enjoying reading several pages before nodding off to sleep each night.

Normally, I would finish a book within two days, but these days the enormity of things that I’ve to do just makes my reading time less than it used to be. Besides, there’s no rush but to take the time to savour a book. I am not in a competition with anyone on how many book titles I’ve read.


Thank you, Linda, for this week’s interesting prompt ‘book title.’