
I am not a superwoman – personal

Quotes, Being slow, Life, Stress, Speed, Thankful

I believe in being steadfast in everything that I do, but the past few weeks have challenged my usual enthusiasm that I find myself doing the barest minimum.

It’s been somewhat a bag of mixed blessings, thankful to get up and do the things that need to be done in an automated mode and being thoroughly bored in-between – why I don’t know.

I don’t know whether to blame it on the torrid and melting heat over here, on unresolved problems that tug the edge of my mind or on having to take care of my family members where everyone seems to be sniffling, running temperatures, a bug here and there including myself or is it a combination of all?

There are days like today when I feel totally inundated and I simply want to reach out and chuck everything out of the window, then press the stop sign on the clock just to let life pause while I catch my breath.

I work at taking deep breaths and exhaling through the mouth, repeating it a dozen times, each breath let out to let go of pent-up emotions, anguish, and stress. I recognize that part of my stress is the unrelenting drive to succeed and when it seems that I am slower, I feel guilty for being slow which is absolutely wrong. There are lessons to be learned from being slow.

As I write this post, I take a pencil to my to-do list. I whittle it down to 5 simple things, making a clean slate for today and going slow. It’s a beautiful, blazing hot day today and I am thankful for common sense and to recognize that I’m not a superwoman, that there are days that I’ll be slow.

Today, I will only do 5 things – one of which is this, now it’s only 4 things; cook for my household, read other blogs, format my book, write that freelance post for publishing… already it sounds plenty.


21 thoughts on “I am not a superwoman – personal

  1. My dearest Jacqueline, i hear you on the heat, the UK of all places is having a heat wave, and a few nights of not sleeping and hot underground tubes and…. it totally ways one down. Of the heat in the uk cant be as hot as Dubai… but it is a bit tooo much.

    So ahree take it slow , now this to shall pass. And getting thru the superhuman stay calm knowing others in the family are also having isdues in it is a natural opportunity to slow down..

    Now mother nature please could you give us some rain and bring the temperature down please 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😓😟😞🙃🤒😭 lol.. hang in there ut wont last and you are not alone. Regards bella


  2. You are a superwoman to me but that doesn’t mean I expect you you to have it going perfectly. The low days will always come but you have what it takes to pull the most out of it. You have my blessings fully in your savings account. You need no permission to draw a cheque.


  3. You are a superwoman to me but that doesn’t mean I expect you to have it going perfectly. The low days will always come but you have what it takes to pull the most out of it. You have my blessings fully in your savings account. You need no permission to draw a cheque.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You have a lot on your plate, Jacqueline! One step at a time and take time for yourself. It’s raining in my area, which keeps the temps down. I wouldn’t be able to handle the heat you have to endure.

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  5. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. They have a poetic flow!

    Have you ever read ‘Intimations’ by Marcus Aurelius? It is that famous Roman figure sharing his thoughts. I think you’d like it!

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  6. Hello Jacqueline. I am happy you took time to write a to-do list for the day. This often helps me stay calm. Ticking things off the list is always a positive experience too 🙂 Your life sounds so busy. I don’t know how you manage to run a household, look after your family and keep up with writing your blog posts….and you’re writing a book! You sound like superwoman to me! I’m sure superwoman needs to stop for a pause once in a while and take a deep breath 🙂
    Take care Jacqueline, and i hope you and your family are all feeling better.
    – Carly

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    1. Carly my dear, you make me smile. I love lists too, they help to keep me calm as well and instill a positive feeling. I honestly don’t know how I get it done some days but I just keep asking for grace to do the needful 🙂

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  7. Love this post. It’s humanizing to know that we all go through these types of things. Wishing you the best and sending a little reminder to take it easy every now and again. (:

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