Mundane Monday

The Fallen Leaf – Mundane Monday

Mundane Monday Challenge is created to find beauty in almost everything.

The challenge is simple. Find beauty in everyday mundane things, capture the beauty and upload the photographs.


When I sat on the park bench,

she floated to the ground

right before my feet.

I felt like stepping on her,

to feel the crinkle of the dry fallen leaf

under my bare toes.

Seeing her difference,

I paused and took note;

my mind saying, let her be.

Don’t squash her into the ground,

allow her to live her dreams ,

even if they be for another day or two.

For all, I may know, 

she’s been dying to lie down,

tired of hanging on limbs 

that made her sway up and down.

Just let her be;

said my mind.

Let her have her peace.

I wrote this as I watched the leaves, my mind dwelling on many little things.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

P.S. We’ll be having our monthly blog party 1st – 2nd of October. I’ll keep you posted.

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16 thoughts on “The Fallen Leaf – Mundane Monday

  1. I love this “she is been dying to lie down.” i never thought about it that way, the effort it must have took all the time hanging on, withstanding, wind, rising always to the sun. Maybe all living things have that time when we all dying to lie down. Loved this Poem so much

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lovely finding and lovely poem.
    Well I just want to let you know that your pingback didnt appear on my blog. I think there is some problem with pingback from the self hosted blogs eversince I have moved to the self hosted blog.


I love it when you decorate my heart with your words..