Blog-hopping · Online Blog Party

Let’s Get This Party Hopping – You Are Welcome πŸŽΆπŸ‘‘πŸ’ƒπŸ–πŸ”πŸΏπŸ•πŸ¦πŸ‘πŸ°πŸ»

Image result for images of party

Yeah! It’s fun time this time πŸ™‚

We cycle out of another month in a couple of days and the way time zooms by sometimes make me feel like a hamster running around in circles in pursuit of time πŸ™‚

Anywhoo, I hope your weekend is going great. You are most welcome to my monthly meet & mingle, shake a leg & jingle, connect & interact with other awesome folks in here.

If this is your first-time visit, the rules of play are outlined below, if you are an old-timer, you know the drill.

Grab some refreshmentsΒ and favours which nicely arranged down the page. Feel free to indulge, these are zero caloriesπŸ˜‰

JustΒ some little party rules:

  1. You must mix and mingle with others. Don’t be a wallflower. Go say hello to someone and you can participate in the Tag a poem, a thought or quote below.
  2. Let us know where you are blogging from.
  3. Β Please leave your blog link or post link in the comment box below along with introductions.
  4. It’s one link per comment, but come back as often as you’d like, that way it’s easier to focus on a link at a time for others.
  5. Please reblog, spread the word of the party like butter, or like, share on Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Facebook, etc. Tell your family, friends, Β blogging neighbours, even your blogging pets.
  6. Have fun, it’s a great way to find bloggers and have them find you.
  7. Please show some love. Reblog this post. It helps all of us! The more people that see and participate in it, the more potential new follows! So, share and share voraciously!

Thank you for coming to my party and supporting my blog. You rock.

A Little Joke

Image result for decent jokes for adults with images

Image result for decent jokes for adults with images

A Little Riddle


119 thoughts on “Let’s Get This Party Hopping – You Are Welcome πŸŽΆπŸ‘‘πŸ’ƒπŸ–πŸ”πŸΏπŸ•πŸ¦πŸ‘πŸ°πŸ»

  1. Hola Jackie! Such a gracious hostess.Thank you. I’m Spanglish Jill from Toronto-ish, Canada. My blog is a personal one. I share my experiences managing bipolar disorder and raising my two boys in English and Spanish. I have a wacky sense of humour,and I don’t like to take life too seriously. Oh and I’m working on self-publishing my very first children’s book titled God Gave Me a Penis. Stay tuned….

    My latest post on ‘wellness’

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Hey, Jill, I am from the opposite end – Vancouver-ish! And I also am managing bipolar as well as chronic pain and a whole host of not niceties! I’ll check out your blog in a few minutes after I say hello here!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Yes! Thank you Aishwarya for checking out my blog and thanks again Jackie!! Beautiful Day or night?? to you both! It’s 9:35 am over here in Toronto-ish Canada πŸ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi,
    I’m back again,had such a good time yesterday I could not resist a little more party time, I met some fantastic people yesterday, and I am looking forward to meeting some more today, you are all so interesting, please call and visit me also, you can find me at, I blog everyday so I hope you will find topics you like, I re-blogged this great party in facebook, wishing you all a great time !

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Hi everyone, I am late to the party but hope not too late to join in the festivities. Jacqueline always puts on the best get-togethers. I am Lydia and my blog,, is about my life with chronic pain and a host of other health issues including keeping bipolar under control (which I have done for almost 10 years now!). I talk about music, people and things that are important to me and I throw in a lot of humour because that is how I face the rest of it! Stop by when you have a moment.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. hi everyone! glad to meet y’all here. I blog at on nothing specific but a little crooked poetry which I need a tonne of help with and some motivation. mingle! mingle!
    Jackie, amazing party and best hostess ever for pulling this together!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Jackie! How wonderful to visit you again and join in this party! As always, the music is great, the food is amazing and the people are nice and warm and welcoming. Oh, how I enjoy being here!!! πŸ™‚
    You know me…but for those who don’t, I am Aishwarya and I am here all the way from India! Well, in a few days the location will change to Edinburgh! Do stop by my site for some warm chitter-chatter about life, its issues and its glory! I’m heading over to meet the others. Have a wonderful time!


  6. Oh how much I am missing these parties πŸ˜€ Came here after months, college work!!
    The riddle’s answer may be “secrets”, or “news”, or “gossip”, or as every one has so aptly pointed, “words”…

    πŸ˜€ Keep up the spirit! ❀


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