Echos Of My Neighbourhood · Travel

Catching the dates and other randoms…Echoes of my Neighbourhood #21

On Thursday’s, I share pictures about ‘Echos of my Neighbourhood.

I would like to invite you to participate. The challenge is quite simple.

Every Thursday, share a photo of bits and pieces of wherever you are at any point in time. It could be a house, backgrounds of your neighbourhood, activities and so forth and you can tag it Echos of my Neighbourhood, add my link to your post so that I will get the ping from your post.

Every other Thursday, I will publish a post with the links of all those who participated the previous week.

This is just a fun way of getting to see more of the World around us through your eyes since we cannot all be at those places, we could, at least, see them through you.

Dates, dates everywhere! It’s the date season and the palms are burgeoning with fruits. A lot are bearing little bags that are tied under to harvest them for eating and producing various types of sweet stuff.

I’ll probably try my hand doing some date juice and see how it turns out.

The random photos were taken during the course of the week of perambulating to and fro office and about town.

From armchairs, we got to meander about and see what other folks are up to in their neighbourhoods. Let’s see some of yours 🙂

Following Seas, Luanne’s photos are so serene and lovely. Take a look. Thank you Luanne for sharing with us 🙂

Saba online: Some of these photos have mysterious quality like the cover page of a thriller. Saba thank you for joining echoes 🙂

Like Mercury Colliding: Kat always has fascinating stuff to show us. Now, these are truly interesting neighbourly trees with lots of character. Take a peek. You might find a storyline in there.

Giggles and Tales: What a spread! I got fat just looking!

Thoughts and entanglements: Coney Island artists are talented and they know how to have fun too. Such work makes me smile 🙂

Don’t horde the beauty of the life around you, just for yourself. Do share with us😉

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

Out of the silent breath

21 thoughts on “Catching the dates and other randoms…Echoes of my Neighbourhood #21

  1. Beautiful photos as usual. Are they taken from a cell phone? You made me laugh. I love the white sculpture. I was goigng to ask you what it is, then I read your caption saying you don’t know. Laughing so hard. Thanks for sharing and for the laugh.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Jackie, just wondering if it is still okay to make my post for yesterday… I was pressed for time that I couldn’t deliver as usual, lol, else will wait for next week. 🙂


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