Poetry/Poems · The Daily Post

Vanilla in the cellar…


Oh my dearest Annabella
She thought she was Cinderella
She read that Mills & Boons novella
And fell in love with a fella

She misplaced her shoes
After some pints of booze
It gave her the blues
And sent her to snooze

Her sights were set on Andrew
Who simply didn’t have a clue
He was always confused
And she wasn’t amused

She cornered him in the cellar
After a dab of vanilla
A lot of history went under
And they honeymoon in Venezuela

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Misplaced, The Daily Post Prompt

Image credit: Pixabay

27 thoughts on “Vanilla in the cellar…

  1. Oh that is just so witty. I am certain it was the dab of vanilla that sealed the deal. Thank you for a good giggle this Sunday morning. 🌵

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Your rhyming skills are so impressive, this was a funny poem.

    I remember reading Mills and Boons books as a teenager. Ah! Those books filled one’s head with a less-than realistic view of how romance progressed between men and women. XD

    Venezuela sounds lovely for a honeymoon. Happy married life Annabella and Andrew. Lol


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