
Well Here it is!

I have felt so tickled happy since morning when I read Judy’s post and I love to share my source of happy moments. Judy has been so supportive to me in this space and this is just a little way to say congratulations Lady Edwina. You make me feel personally proud 🙂

Edwina's Episodes

I am very thrilled and delighted to show you my beautiful, shiny new book! Chris at The Story Reading Ape has done an absolutely brilliant job of designing the perfect cover for it too.  He was so helpful and accommodating to me, despite my inexperience in these matters and problems with my e-mail!

At the moment, it is available at CreateSpace, but by tomorrow, it should be available on Kindle and shortly afterward Amazon.

As I mentioned in my earlier post, I had been encouraged to publish a collection of my poems, and now I have finally done it! I do love to rhyme things and this book is pretty much a compilation of some of my favourites! I have even included some of the raunchier ones to add a little extra spice!

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5 thoughts on “Well Here it is!

I love it when you decorate my heart with your words..