Blogging · Writing

Fomenting Ideas…..

1442208754257For me, ideas can be formulated anywhere. It could be in the market square, a shopping mall, in a moving vehicle, in the shower, from a shared conversation, at the park, in the gym and the list goes on.

Everywhere serves as a potential generator of a thought, a poem, a story or even a joke. My ears and my eyes are my first major supplies for writing. My notepads, my Hello Kitty assistant purse filled with multi-colored pencils, pens, eraser, sharpener and God knows what else is inside are my second supplies and are easier to lug around.

When I am out and about (taking a walk) without these items, my phone steps in to the rescue; should anything that might be deemed interesting pops up. Sometimes, I deliberately visit a place of interest to gain more depth for an article that I am working on; for example, I had to walk into a police station at Jersey Village to ask some questions about something that I was writing on and they were very forthcoming. People usually are forthcoming when you ask nicely 🙂

My fomented ideas are transcribed into legible content on my laptop during the wee hours of the morning when the household still sleeps or alternatively, after the dust of the days activities have settled.

I prefer to work in a well lit room, on a comfortable chair with some cushioning for my tush 😉 and a good reading table to spread my paraphernalia for writing and then, I am good to go.

Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

In respect of Writing 101 Day 6 assignment: The Space to Write

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