Hope · Inspiration - Motivation · Musings

Don’t steal the shine….

frog relaxing

Do not bother stealing my shine or anyone’s own, ‘cos it most definitely won’t fit you.

Begin to think more about your possibilities and dwell less on the impossibilities.

Surround yourself with positive minds and props that bolster your efforts.

Let go of all negative energy that drains your radiance.

Learn to dream, because those who don’t dream,

aspire for nothing.

Keep your eyes on your bigger picture,

and as you create the lines and curves,

even though it might seem to be in bits and pieces,

soon enough, your picture will emerge and,

your lines will fall in the right places.


Your success should never be measured with a scale that belongs to another,

Because their scale just might be broken.

Besides, we are all running different and individual races.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Photo credit: alibaba.com

I love it when you decorate my heart with your words..