Online Blog Party · Uncategorized



Hop in let’s get this party started. You are most welcome.

Just make yourself comfortable.

Refreshments are nicely arranged down the page: Drinks, Chocolates, Cakes, Donuts, freshly squeezed juice, Coffee, Tea and so much more. πŸ™‚

We even have an Intercontinental Chef in the house. LOOK UP and place your orders πŸ˜‰

Just a little rules of play:

  1. You must mix and mingle with others. Don’t be a wall flower. Go say hello to someone and you can participate in the Tag a poem up above.
  2. Β Please leave your blog link or post link in the comment box below along with an introductions.
  3. It’s one link per comment, but come back as often as you’d like, that way it’s easier to focus on a link at a time for others.
  4. Please reblog, spread the word of the party like butter, or like, share on Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Facebook, etc. Tell your family, friends, Β blogging neighbours, even your blogging pets.
  5. Have fun, it’s a great way to find bloggers and have them find you.
  6. Please show some love. Reblog this post. It helps all of us! The more people that see and participate in it, the more potential new follows! So, share and share voraciously!

There we have it. Since all the rules have been clearly explained, have fun and make the most of it πŸ™‚

Thank you for coming to my party and supporting my blog. You rock.

Β© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha.



Let’s add some SPRING to the tale πŸ™‚ You can crack your Story telling imaginationΒ by contributing to this tag along Spring fiction below. The full story will be published on my Tuesday’s Trivia with every part attributed to the contributor. So here goes…


Buds of Spring

Georgette looks out of the window

The cold is fast thawing out and little fresh sprigs are sprouting.

It should be warm soon

Yet the coldness in her heart did not match the liveliness of the budding Spring

Her heart feels like a ghost town.

Where is he?

He promised her everything and she believed in him…

Counting the days and hoping that it’s just a dream.

‘Back in my home country, when we call for a party, we call for a party. We don’t skimp. Our hospitality is legendary. We even give out party tokens, so help yourself to an Easter Party Pack. You are welcome :-)’

765 thoughts on “BRUNCH PARTY TIME…LIVE LINK it’s a PARTY!πŸ‘”πŸ‘‘πŸŽΆπŸ¦πŸ°πŸ›πŸ•πŸ—

  1. You had me at refreshments, Jackie, seriously, chocolate and awesome bloggers, where else would I want to be? Thank you kindly for giving us this wonderful opportunity to mix and mingle, you’re the hostess with the mostess! πŸ™‚
    My name is Donna I blog about just about anything and everything with a lot of humour, drop by, the best part about blogging is meeting other bloggers
    Hope this weekend treats everyone well, now I’m off to met and greet and of course, share. Thank you so much. πŸ™‚

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I hopped on to your blog and it did not even take me seconds to follow you πŸ˜€ You have an AMAZING blog and the humor you exude is just unbelievable. So awesome to have discovered you in this ocean of awesome blogs, all thanks to dear Jacqueline. Inviting you to drop by my little corner of the buzzing blogosphere as well πŸ™‚ Have a great weekend . Cheers and warmest wishes, Minaxi ❀

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      1. I agree with you on the naps Paula. It’s taken me most of my life to learn to listen to my body but now when I find myself getting tired I take a nap and wake up feeling refreshed and more energized than had I kept working.

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      2. I’ve been a napper my entire life, and I believe in the healing power of sleep, be it mind or body. Anytime I go for a long run, I will immediately take a nap afterwards (my body actually forces me too). It’s my initial recovery of putting my body through such a vigorous workout, haha!

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      3. That makes so much sense. I’ve virtually ignored all the signs that I was running out of steam and would wonder why I was crabby or just fatigued. I feel so much better since I’ve incorporated napping into my day.

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      1. Ohh nooo..Pleasure is miiine Jacqueline dear πŸ™‚ You are such a wonderful person to organize this and I think I speak for everyone when I say , we thoroughly enjoyed the party and had an absolutely fantastic time. We should be the ones appreciating you ❀


  2. Thank you for the invite to this adorable brunch! Everything looks delicious!!! If anyone wanted to check out my blog, you can find it at! I can’t wait to meet some new people!!

    Liked by 5 people

  3. I found the right place!?!?!!! πŸ™‚ not my strong point. Thank you again for the opportunity to share my blog on your lovely and very soothing site! therevengewogger@wordpress. Started off as a running revenge blog…ended up being my revenge against my cancer blog! now I am going to scroll up and check some of the other bloggers…. thank you again..

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Wow, what a turn out! I am back for a bit!:-) thanks to Jacqueline again and all that have came to party! A record was broke on my blog today because of this party! Amazing I had my record day for number of new followers! I went to all the followers blogs and loved each one so, I followed back! Yahoo!!!! United we are! Jacqueline, you are a beautiful soul and look at the chain you have made possible! Wow, I am blown away! I am off to meet more folks! Smiles to all πŸ™‚

    Liked by 5 people

    1. That’s good to hear Annette! You have a beautiful blog that am glad to be a part of. And really, Jackie sure knows how to bring people together. I only arrived here a while now, will go check out known faces and make new friends too. *smiles away* πŸ™‚

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      1. Awe you rock! I am out watching my family karokee and can’t get back in via my mobile connection (at least I think that is why) so can you tell Jacqueline if you happen to see her I can’t get back. Thank you! Have fun dear! I have a record # of following today because of her party. …*smiles to you always* Annette

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      2. Thanks so much and I understand if you have to excuse yourself. Jackie will hear and also read this ‘cos she’s going round to make sure her guests are having fun. Do enjoy family time! Cheers! πŸ™‚

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      3. I think the party is on today as well. Just woke up from sleep and warming up with my cuppa tea before I get set for my usual Sunday Praise time. Lol. See you later, Annette. Good Morning party people, love ya’ all. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

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      4. Thanks Dearie. It’s nice to be here again at your classy party. Glad I didn’t miss it. Am out of town so having a brief online presence until next week. Ok, need to catch up with a few more beautiful people. Thanks for a wonderful time. πŸ™‚

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  5. Wonderful brunch and party! I’ve been off the grid all day, painting the house ugh, my entire body is completely sore so excuse me for not being especially active in socializing. I’ll just help myself to the food, if there’s any left. πŸ™‚

    Liked by 2 people

  6. My exams were extremely near, so I thought to write an article on preparation of exams. This will help me as well as other students around the globe to adopt a wise approach towards examinations. Here you may read it:
    If possible, please give a feedback so I can improve myself, otherwise any interaction is appreciated.

    Liked by 4 people

  7. At last I made it, oh dear me! Hope I am not too late to this wonderful party hosted by the beautiful Jackie. I tell you, she is such an amazing hostess. I’ve been out all day and badly needed a glass of water so I’ll go get it. Meanwhile, here’s an invite to my peaceful home, I think you’d love it if you take the time to have a sneak peek. Wait a minute! Hmmmmn, so much sweets and pastries in here, sooooo typical of Jackie! Eh, but I’d just pretend like I didn’t see them and go get my glass of water. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ Will be right back.

    Peace and Love to YOU!

    Liked by 2 people

      1. You’re most welcome! Glad to hear you liked your visit enough to hit the follow button. Thanks a mil. Checked out yours and here’s sending you some love and positive vibes. I like to follow your progress so am hooked to read more. *hugs* πŸ™‚

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  8. OH MY GOODNESS! What a Brunch! You have 447 responses before I am posting here. I love it. Visit my food blog first. I put more on there than either of the others.
    very original isn’t it? I began it just to share some of the foods I’ve acquired from family & friends and definitely give recipes to foods I prepare. I hardly ever cook with recipes so when I post a recipe around my food story it’s kind of like building a ‘food’sterpiece, then rewind to the foundation to deliver the recipe for my readers.
    Jennie is my name, Gingy was a nickname for a few years while the 2 siblings just under me were learning to talk and had a hard time with Jennie, so Gingy (soft g) stuck.
    I’m thrilled to join everyone and look forward to scouting around in your blogs.
    I’ll see you after awhile!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Jennie, nice to meet you at this amazing shindig. I love food. Not much of a eater but love to see different dishes displayed at tables.

      Just took a peek at your blog and wow wow, you got me drooling all over… those food really look yummy and deli. Will return to look at more recipes. Have to mingle a while here – I think am thirsty again, a glass of juice will be it… You may want to see how peaceful my home looks like. *whispers* it exudes of positive vibes. You’d love it! πŸ™‚ See you again, Jennie! πŸ™‚

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      1. I love all of the faith verses you have and the pic of the orange in the garlic cloves. We all feel like that sometimes, like we don’t fit in. Such wonderful and faith building words. tfs

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  9. I’m back from blog hopping and meeting some awesome new people πŸ™‚ Now for my bit to the ‘Buds of Spring”
    Georgette sat wistfully looking out her window. The sun was shining. The birds were tweeting, prancing, dancing and courting. Large, colourful butterflies performed a graceful aerial ballet whiles the bees supped nectar and collected pollen. The soft breeze ruffled the lush new green leaves in the trees. It looked so serene and peaceful. Everywhere but in her heart. It was barren.

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  10. Well, Well, I’ve enjoyed being a part of this show and happy to have connected with some like minds. It’s a great party Jackie, thanks for the invite. Will go rest my tired body now and grab some sleep before the cock crows. πŸ™‚ Hopefully, I should stop by again much later!

    Hey everyone, enjoy yourselves and take out time to say hello to a sister. Blessings you all. πŸ™‚

    Witness – Daily Post Discover Challenge!

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    is the last blog I’m referring you to. I posted in it just for our Brunch… when you get there you’ll see that it is called On my mind … In my heart … Let me Share, I wrote about my new excitement with Bible Journaling & Art … amazing… Check it out. I’ll be heading to bed to rest so I can attend Church in the morning and look forward to getting back with everyone tomorrow sometime (s)….

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  12. Thank you for your invitation. I am so happy to be here.
    Hi all,
    I am Susie from
    I love to read good blog posts and learn something from good writers. When I say ” good”, I mean those who mean well.
    I love a blog party especially an online one for the simple reason that I am shy and often feel uncomfortable meeting people face-to-face.
    Thanks, Jackie once again.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Sayanti, I really liked your post about jealousy. I’m not sure if I commented on it. I read it at work and had to dash off to a meeting the minute I finished the post. So I might not have left a comment. I just wanted to let you know the post was well thought out and brought up some ways of combatting jealousy that I’d never considered. πŸ™‚

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      1. Hello Melinda, nice to meet you. It’s ok. Atleast you have shared your thought with me. glad to know that you think it’s useful. Keep doing your work.

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      1. Thank you. But, photo credits are not mine. I try to mention the credit in my every post. I like your blog too and I must appreciate your photography. Have a nice day.

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    1. Hi Rosema! I just plugged our little collab series on here! You must have snuck in while I was typing my response to the ongoing poem because I didn’t see your comment. I also plugged you on here πŸ™‚ I am so grateful we had a chance to work together again πŸ™‚

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  13. Wow! I only found out about this a few minutes ago, so I sidled over, thinking I’d probably missed it, and I’d arrive to find post-party chaos – leftover food drying on yesterday’s plates, wine spilt onthe carpet, and an anebriated guest curled up under the table, wrapped in a curtain, groaning “Never again.”
    I was all ready to sneaak away, disappointed, but instead I had to struggle through hundreds of lively, smiling guests to finally reach you and say hello.
    This is an amazng party! The food is great, the hostess awesome, and I’m looking forward to getting to know some of the guests.


  14. Hi Jackie, I made it to the party. Sorry I missed Day one of it; I was off line doing the family thing (ie walking Sasha (my brother and his wife’s 7 lb furry bundle of excitement) and enjoying a belated birthday feast with corned beef and cabbage and irish soda bread. My mom has always made that for my birthday even though we are not Irish because the corned beef was always on sale around my birthday. So it became a delicious tradition πŸ™‚

    Hello all at the party πŸ™‚ I do hope some of you are still around. It’s morning here in NY (the state not the city) πŸ™‚

    For your fiction/poem Jackie, it looks like Mandibelle was the last person to add an entry for it. I skimmed through the comments to check but couldn’t find any later than her comment yesterday. So I’m going to work off hers if that’s okay. If I missed someone’s entry and that causes mine not to align, just let me know and I can correct it. I should be around most of the morning here πŸ™‚

    so here it is:

    from the heart’s wreckage
    springs hope, a bloom delivered
    “Miss you” scrawled on note

    not forgotten yet
    not this Georgette, rose in hand
    sweet perfume in nose

    Wait until summer
    search for him in heat shimmers
    raising wavy hopes…

    I could go on but I’ll let someone else pick up the story πŸ™‚ Okay now for introductions…I’m Melinda. I write fantasy and science fiction. I’m currently writing and publishing (serially) 4 books on my website: Quest (Fantasy: poetry & prose), (Re)Quest (Fantasy: poetry & prose – an expansion of the original Quest storylines), Aerials (Science fiction, prose & poetry), Curse Breaker: Enchanted (Fantasy: prose). Hyperlinked table of contents plus a description of the plot for each book is stickied (is that a word?) to the top of my home page: so you won’t be lost! You can find the first post of each book by hitting up that table of contents πŸ™‚ I also write some sonnets, haikus and senryu. I just did a collab with Rosema from A Reading Writer called the The 7 Deadly Sins of Senryu. The first post of that series publishes tonight at 12:01 am ET. I am so proud those posts! I did some 3d artwork for them πŸ™‚

    Looking forward to meeting and mingling with you all! Thank you Jackie for hosting this!

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    1. Wow! This is quite the party. I am going to go meet some of the guests and look forward to the brunch. Also love the music! Great party Jacqueline. Thank you for inviting us all . I am off to meet and enjoy. My blog is

      Liked by 2 people

  15. Hello everyone! Thank you for hosting this wonderful party, Jackie! I’m Lisa from Life of an El Paso Woman! Lately, I’ve been blogging about music a lot. Since it’s Women’s History Month, I decided to include a song by a different woman everyday this month. I’m not sure if I’m going to keep doing it after March 31. Here is a post I did last year about my sister. I featured it again this year. My sister was on the cheer and dance team for the Major League Soccer team, Houston Dynamo. Have a great day everyone!

    Liked by 2 people

  16. Hi Jacqueline. Just visited a few more blogs today. Will bookmark this to visit it on computer when I can next week-not as easy on phone. Thanks for hosting this and giving us a big directory to go through. Enjoy the rest of the party.

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  17. Hi Jacqueline, What a wonderful initiative for a brunch in blog, loved it and have been following your blog too.
    A big Hi to all out there and about myself: I am an IT Consultant and have passion for photography and short writings, in case you want to have a quick sneak peek to my blog the link is below, do drop in and enjoy the daily dose of flowers, I will be very delighted to see you all:
    Happy partying and blogging, by the way I love smoked items a lot πŸ™‚

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I love it when you decorate my heart with your words..