Hope · Life · Midnight motivation and musings · Self Help

Midnight Motivations and Musings # 78


Now and again, I read articles that people write or listen to people where they sound as if there’s nothing good about their lives.

I have been privy to desperate cries of help and despair, but what saddens me is not the desperation, what saddens me is when the despairing soul feels so hopeless that they’ve given up hope on themselves, that no amount of counsel and reasoning seems to penetrate.

No one is guaranteed a breezy life that’s not laden with struggles, for it’s out of our tests that we obtain our testimonies.

The truth is that no one can walk through individual tribulations for another. No two people have the same mantle or message, but what they can do is to hold your hand while you wade through the mess.

Sometimes, you may not even be fortunate to find someone to hold on to. You hold on to God. He’s the ultimate fortress, refuge and present help in the time of need.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

Out of the silent breath

Brand me whole as only you can

That the entire score of me

Knows nothing but the fullness of you.

Blog · Inspiration - Motivation · Memes · Midnight motivation and musings · Self Help

Midnight Motivations and Musings #20..


There are times when all looks dim and bleak, but if we look hard enough, there is always a way, no matter how tight that way may appear.

At that point in time when we are passing through hellish moments, we don’t stop to wallow in it and in self-pity. We have to keep moving.

Even if our will power is flagging, look to someone’s own to latch on to. There is absolutely no shame in leaning on someone’s shoulder momentarily while you catch your breath if need be. People are sent into our lives at some points in time for reasons such as this.

The only shame is in giving up because you have the fear of being judged or you are too proud. The persons judgement is not your problem.

Your problem is in staying focused and getting out of the miry bog in which you are stuck in.

Know that even at the end of the darkest tunnel, there will always be found a sliver of light, and, yes the darkness will pass. For the only constant in life is change and no situation ever remains permanent.

Surviving your test allows you the opportunity to be a testimony to others and someone else’s leaning post at one point in time or the other.

Be patient as you strive and keep looking in the way of the light.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Life · Personal story · The Daily Post

Staring Into The Barrel Of A Gun…personal


Lagos toughens you up! When I talk about Grace and Mercy watching out for me, it is with the deepest conviction of my heart.

I have been through so many scary moments, that some day’s when I look at myself with all my appendages intact, I know that it is not sheer luck.

‘That my life is a testimony.”

My guardian angel has been on full time duty!

If you have lived in Lagos and did not experience one or two hairy-scary moments in your life, then as a matter of compulsion, you have to do Thanksgiving.

It is a bustling, heavily populated, quirky and awesomely crazy city that busts at it seams with rich culture and entertainment.

The commercial nerve center of Nigeria.

As a Lasgidi babe; once a Lagos chic, always a Lagos chic, I love my Lagos to bits, but I also detest a good number of things about it.

To cut a long story short, back in the days when daylight robbery was almost a norm, I was mugged 3 different times at 3 different locations and in the same city by the  one’s that are called ” Area boys.”

Secondly, I have faced the barrel of a shotgun of the ‘men of the underworld’ aka highway robbers, 3 consecutive times.

Once was during the wee hours of the morning when they came calling, the next time was on the high street in my car and yet again, shortly before Christmas just as I left a bank.

It scared the jeepers out of my life. My skin flew off my bones in fright and in the last incident for the first time, I was violently ill and experienced an unbelievable migraine. Nightmares ensued and I fled to Europe for several weeks to calm my nerves.

Several months following these incidents, when a stranger came too close, I would practically jump out of my skin, my knees would get all trembly and my pulse rate would simply get erratic.

Indeed, when I look back and think of the times that I stared death in the face, I marvel. One day, I shall write a comprehensive story of these moments.

The rampage in Lagos has gone down over the years.

The robberies are of a more sophisticated nature these days, but there was a season when the men of the underworld reigned supreme!

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

The Daily Post prompt Safety First.

Share the story of a time you felt unsafe.

Devotions · Hope · Inspiration - Motivation · Life

Let us PRAY…


We thank you Lord for days and times such as these ones;

For your constant shield through life’s challenges.

You raise us, from deep places of despair, doubt and regret;

To higher grounds of Faith, Grace and Hope.

From places of discontentment;

To the overflow of fulfillment.

May our tedious tests become uplifting testimonies.

May the meditation of our hearts and mouths;

Be acceptable before you Lord.

May your blessings that come from the Deep and the Four winds;

Be ours today and always.


Prayer 2

Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha