Stream of Consciousness Saturday.

No Grill…Stream of Consciousness Saturday

We are not allowed to use an open grill in our apartment for safety reasons and this is one thing that I miss sorely. I recall Summer days of cook-out back in Houston, the camaraderie of family visits and it almost seems like aeons ago. Time flies.

Some parks allow the use of charcoal grill but the UAE is getting a tad too hot for such indulgence so, yours truly has to rely on my kitchens’ oven grill which is not quite the same.

Maybe it’s all in my mind right now – that flavour of sizzling barbecue wafting in from somewhere and causing saliva to pool in my mouth. Let me take a peek out of the window, maybe I’ll go begging for a bite 😉

Written for SoCS – Grill


Stream of Consciousness Saturday.

These Animal Sounds…Stream of Consciousness Saturday.

SQUAWK!! This is the silent shrill angry animal sound that has been recurring in my head of late. It seems like my life has been going down the river of late, tossed and tumbled like a flotsam from one tedious occurrence to the other and from three flu-bitten grumpy children to a flu-croaky, grunty husband and now it’s my turn, after nursing them and I must say, I sound pretty croaky. I think my croakiness is more like husky and sexy 😉

Groan! For the last couple of weeks, my blog has suffered as well and I’ve been bingeing on sugary stuff – I comfort eat when I feel low and even though I know it’s not good for me, I still do it. I hiss in disgust at myself but that still doesn’t stop me from gobbling a pack of biscuit chased down with a glass of juice. Meow! I feel like a bad kitty and have avoided the scale like a plague.

On the bright side, silent twitters also ring in my head happily ‘cos I just got a moonlighting part-time coaching job at an institute to prep students for English IELTS/TOEFL exams. I must say that I enjoy the weekly interactions and after 3 hours of teaching the rudiments of grammar, reading, writing and speaking, I come out feeling totally gratified. If the truth be told, this is something that I would do for free – but I need the funds badly.

Okidokey, let me moosey off now and get ready to bleat it – I have a tutoring session this morning with two young and funny Algerian kids who are learning English. See you later alligator 🙂

P.S. Dear Linda, I think I’ve managed to fit in several animal sounds with today’s SoCS prompt – sMOOth – though I suspect that there are many more waiting to be let out.

Stream of Consciousness Saturday.

The Tall and Short of Things…

Shortness is something that I don’t experience in most things except being short of funds and short of time. I am hardly ever short of thoughts, ideas and things to say.
I can’t quite recollect when I became physically conscious as a child that I’m not short. At 5 ft 11 inches tall, I remember my growing up years of gangly arms and long legs and standing a head above my peers.

The height invited teasing and taunting from male peers who for some shortness of genes didn’t get to grow tall fast enough. For a while, I recall praying not to grow too tall and hunching to appear shorter to blend in with others and not get teased as such. My mother and grandma used to straighten out my shoulders and reminded me often to stand tall and look the person in the eye.

Eventually, I grew into the arms and legs and became comfortable with my height especially when I got invitations to model clothes and calendar pages.
Fast forward to my present day, the roundness of motherhood and age has made me shorter especially in the presence of my young 14-year-old son who’s 6 ft 4 inches and growing and his siblings who are fast catching up.

I am no longer bothered about my height since that was long settled, I am more concerned with the plumper parts that jiggle and wobble these days.

I am fighting the gravitational force of nature to keep the jiggle-wobble on a short leash. I guess nature will take its course eventually though we must do our best in a healthy manner to help it along and prolong the shortness of things. I guess I’ve got that figured out if only I can get a handle on my shortage of funds and time.

P.S. I couldn’t resist adding this throwback photo of mine that my husband dug up from God knows where.

Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

SoCS – Short 

Tall, Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha, My photos