Discover Challenges

What’s My Superpower?


What’s my super power;
pray, do tell?
Let me look under the bed
I bet I’ll find the answer there

I could fly if I try
how wonderful that sounds
for sure I’ll fall through the sky
and make a huge splat.

I could disappear and reappear
which surely sounds supper
for sure my trundling tiptoe
would leave a shadowy trail

I could do many imaginary things
become a Power-Puff mama
Alas! these belong in Disney World
where make believe works like magic

I do a lot of simple things
my children say I’m the best mother ever
I believe them and like the title

I smile a lot, laugh heartily and can cheer you up
my listening ears available
with sage counsel, if you wish
that could do some good

I could whip up a good story
and make a decent companion
even play a ditty
though my voice barely carries a tune

I could make a list
of this and of that
but it would take forever
to write them all out

What’s my super power;
pray, do tell?
I believe that it’s by being me
a full ocean of humanness in one drop of a human.

So, what’s your Superpower?

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

A ditty played on my keyboard

Tra la la, twiddle dee dee, it gives me a thrill

to wake up in the morning to the mockingbird hill

Tra la la, twiddle dee dee, there’s health and goodwill

you’re welcome as the flowers on the mockingbird hill

when the Sun in the morning peeps over the hill

and kisses the roses around my windowsill

then my heart fills with gladness when I hear the thrill

of the birds on the tree tops of the mockingbird hill.

Discover Challenge – Superpower

Creative Writing · Haiku · Rononvan's Weekly Haiku Challenge

Tales By Moonlight…

I like this week’s Haiku prompt ‘ Sun & Moon,’ from Ronovan. What do you think?

Hair like silk spun gold

She had him enthralled with her looks

Singing under the glowing moonlight.


Limpid pools of her eyes

Beckoned to him like the mysterious moon

Twinkling like glints of sun rays.


He bought her precious jewels

That shone bright like the golden Sun

And proposed beneath the moonbeams.


© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Image credit: Pixabay

Humor - Bellyful of laughter · Inspiration - Motivation · Personal story · The Daily Post · Writing · writing ideas

Express Yourself…..

In response to The Daily Post Express Yourself

Do you love to dance, sing, write, sculpt, paint, or debate? What’s your favorite way to express yourself, creatively


Oh! I love to dance! Dancing can make a bad day seem good. You can’t dance and be angry. The two things don’t go together. Sometimes, I visualize myself as a background dancer to some nice music, but I guess that’s where the dream ends, except a team of us come together to form a band in our later years. You never know these things 😉

Oh! I love to sing and shake to the music while at it. All done in a loud voice too. I doubt if I will be winning talent shows or occupying the  Top 10 hits anytime soon, but seeing the fond smiles on my families face as I goof off is definitely worth a Grammy. I can lead a very rousing Praise and Worship you know! That must count for something.

Oh! I dabble in drawing and painting too. I am no Vincent van  Gogh but I do paint pretty flowers now and again and I doodle nonsense too 😄. I however, think my youngest brother ‘Ifesinachi Adrian’ is a fantastic artist! A few of his artwork are displayed below.

Another doodle! A flower I suppose :)
Another doodle! A flower I suppose 🙂

I was quite the mouth piece for my school in my Secondary/High school days. I represented the school in so many debates and was always a lead speaker. I haven’t done such exercise in recent times, just debating with my husband and children which is quite exerting, I must tell you.

Oh!  I have a  sister who sculpts as well. I enjoy watching her work, mess

My doodle. What do I call her?
My doodle. What do I call her?

around with her stuff and I get to be her art critic too. I must assure you that it’s not an easy job to be a critic.

Now, when we talk about writing, that is an entirely different kettle of fish. Writing is MY ABSOLUTELY favorite way of expressing myself. I write to think. I write to speak. I just write to live. If you took away writing from me, I really don’t want to imagine what I would do. Maybe scribble in the sand!

I don’t have to be an expert to enjoy doing those things that I love. Those things that make me laugh heartily. Those thing’s that tickles my soul in a positive way.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha