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Where is Your Corn Roasting?…

A friend and sister blogger invited me for the three quote challenge and I would like to share some African proverbs with you. Thank you OBA for this auspicious opportunity. I like it. African proverb 2

Back then in my place, our grandparents and parents told us tales or rebuked us with words laced with lots of proverbs, adages and idioms that we had no idea what they meant.

Sometimes, they will ask you to go and figure out a sensible answer for a proverb as part of your punishment, then you would perambulate from one adult to another trying to repeat the proverb and get its meaning.

These adults had a way of knowing that you had misbehaved so your journey got a little trickier and arduous but it was a lesson well taught in a lot of instances.

So I leave you with today’s proverb:

”A man doesn’t go far from where his corn is roasting.”

Now picture me going up and down asking another adult to tell me where the corn is roasting 🙂

I would like to invite 3 gentlemen bloggers in the house to give us their quotes.

Patrick Hawthorne

Thomas M Watt

Barclay Dave

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha