Echos Of My Neighbourhood

Riding at the front of the Train – Echoes of my neighbourhood.

On Thursdays, I share pictures about ‘Echos of my Neighbourhood.

I would like to invite you to participate. The challenge is quite simple and you can find out more about it through this link.

My week has been a bit downcast, but I still tried to pep it up by doing something that I enjoy (walkabouts) to take my mind off things.

Over the weekend I stole time to take a 2 hours train ride from one end of town to the other and was privileged to ride right at the front coach – the opportunity is always scarce with many people queueing to inherit any vantage space.

I honestly don’t know what it is about trains that make me feel as happy as a little child, but  it’s certainly a refreshing way to view the city. It was also interesting to talk to absolute strangers and gain some inspiration.

So, what have you been up to recently? Lady Lee takes us to fun-filled Oktoberfest in Munich. Join the fun 🙂


out-of-the-silent-breath 2


Writer's Quote Wednesday

I never forget – Writers Quote Wednesday Challenge


“Memories are intricate webs of souvenirs and thoughts left behind. They are woven around our hearts and minds, and journey with us wherever we go.” Jacqueline

Thoughts of you follow me everywhere
that some days I wake with the desperate desire
to see you just one more time.

The strength of my feeling
evokes your peaceful voice
and I hear you speak in my head.

Memories of you clutch my heart
and cling to my soul
your fists hold firm with unforgettable love.

The time spent here with you
and the memories you etched upon my life
as sure as genes passed from generation to generation.

They stay with me
their echoes whisper in the gentle wind,
in my heart and in my mind.

My memories of you keep you alive
as I see your dark handsome face
filled with wisdom and gentle kindness.

As it expands in my mind’s eye,
bittersweet memories they can be
bringing tears to my eyes
and a lump in my throat.

But these memories of you
I will never let go
for I love you even more
with the passage of time.

I never forget.

I write this poem above with thoughts of my dad. I doubt if there’s a day that passes by without thoughts of my loved ones who have passed on floating through my mind.

Some memories leave indelible marks on the recipient that they become invisible fabrics that we wear on our person. Some memories are bittersweet, poignant, sweet, dark, happy, hurt and so many other emotions attached to it.

There are memories that dig deep holes inside us and in a way molds us into who we become. I have memories like everyone else; some are full of dark misery, joyful memories, sweet ones, light ones, poignant ones. Some memories were handed by life as a gift that I didn’t choose and some were created by deliberate interactions.
Life will still continue to hand out memories that it chooses for us, but it’s up to you to continue striving in creating memories of light and joy, therefore it’s up to you to turn those memories of dark misery into an enlightening experience.

In my writing, my memories serve as a compass for me when I draw into myself and allow my senses to feel everything that I felt at the moment when that memory was created. Sometimes, I am able to catch them in words and sometimes, I am unable to translate what I feel in concrete terms.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Writers Quote Wednesday Writing Challenge – Memories

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

Stars, Five Stars, Logo, Icon, Symbol, Five, Rating

Jacqueline writes from her heart on passion, pain, suffering, loss and LIFE. I have been incredibly moved by her poetry and I know I will return to “Out of the Silent Breath” again and again.

Out of the silent breath

If you enjoy my works and would like to do so, you can fuel my creativity with a slice of cake or coffee😉

Midnight motivation and musings

Midnight Motivations and Musings # 97


It’s been said a billion times and yes I will say it again, ‘life is too short to live miserably,’ and at the end of this living what exactly would you have achieved if misery has been your only destination?

There’s never going to be one Eureka moment when happiness runs up to you at a bus-stop and clings to your pants legs with eagerness to become your life tenant.

Neither is it something that someone else can hand over to you. The people around you may help in stimulating your state of happiness, but they don’t owe you the responsibility of making you happy and as a matter of fact, handing someone the reins to your happiness is a big mistake that you can’t afford to make.

It’s an active emotion that must be pursued daily and requires your contribution. The state of being happy is not a one-size fit all recipe, and each person has to find their own mental and emotional state of well-being which exists not because everything in their life is perfect but because they appreciate and enjoy their imperfect moments.

No one should sit and wait for happiness to happen to them because the state of happiness is not a destination you arrive at, but a continuous journey of the mind.

Blessed be.


Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

From the very first poem, “Dreams,” this book captivates with passionate and perceptive words. Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha captures a broad expanse of the human experience in this book of richly layered poems.

Out of the silent breath


Midnight motivation and musings

Midnight Motivation and Musings # 88


We have no idea how much we do for our hearts and minds when we embark on a journey of self-discovery and freedom.

Each of us has a different path to take to their ‘Uhuru.’ Though we may keep each other company and cross paths, my path can’t lead you to the end of yours.

Each of us has different shackles to loosen to set us free. Each of us has many rivers to cross, mountains to climb and time spent in the valley.

What I’ve found is that once you’ve chosen to walk into the light and positivity, then begins the joyful results of freedom.

Freedom is not a result that comes idly. Freedom is a consistent journey of the mind and it’s in that process of finding your freedom that you truly become free.


P.S. You are invited to our monthly blog party this weekend. It’s fun and you get to meet fantastic folks:-)

Below is my first Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

Out of the silent breath

Life · Midnight motivation and musings · Self Help

Midnight Motivation and Musings # 75…


Who are you?

This singular question is one that throws a lot of people off balance and they begin to grapple for adequate answers.

Who are you is not necessarily synonymous with ‘what do you do?’

You could do many different things career-wise over  your lifetime, yet remain who you are if those things don’t have any profound effect in changing your intrinsic characteristics.

Are you able to denude yourself by peeling away all the onion layers to find the truth of the being hidden inside?

Our passion can help us uncover who we are as it leads us on the journey of self-discovery, however, our passion can also serve as a mask for not looking deep enough to gain a better understanding of who we are.

It’s only when you know yourself, that you begin to know your purpose.

Keep pondering over this question as often as possible in the solitude of your heart until who you are, crystallizes before your eyes.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Guest Posts · Inspiration - Motivation · Life

The Compass Of Your Life..Guest post from Alicia James.

Vipassana, Yoga, Consciousness, Meditation, Practice


Permit me to say: Your life’s a product of your THOUGHTS that become BELIEFS, BELIEFS that become ACTIONS, and ACTIONS that form CHARACTER. That’s why sages advice against accommodating filth as a tenant in your mind because of it’s ability to transform into the landlord of your mind.

Sadly enough, a lot of us sail through life without a Life Compass. We either adopt a ” go with the wind” or “choose to have a one-dimensional view of life” mentality. Hence, my problem with people who conform to certain principles without questioning their existence. There’s a possibility that with changing trends, those principles have developed loopholes and are in need of modification. That’s a topic for another day.

Let me explain the beauty of your life. As individuals, we require a Life Compass and a Life Map to navigate through life successfully. Why? Maps were created as guides to unfamiliar territories explored by foreigners, eliminating the probability of getting lost along the way. Thank God for technology today, we have Google Maps and GPS systems.

“But it still doesn’t explain why I need a Life Map”. From birth to death, every stage in your life has a guide to ease your transition from one stage to the next. At every juncture, your Life Map serves as a guide to your final destination.

“Sounds like a Life Map’s all I need, why include a Life Compass”? Your Life Compass gives direction and intention to your life; it’s like a pen that fills the blank pages of your life. When you’re torn between making certain decisions, your Life Compass can guide you in making your choice. It will shock you to know that most of the confusion, guilt, lack of purpose and dissatisfaction we feel and experience in our life’s journey are caused by the absence of a Life Compass. Simply put, The Life Map serves as a guide; the Life Compass keeps you on the true path.

“Ok, I get the message, so how do I develop a Life Compass”?

Well, it’ll require lot’s of self-reflection (as cliché as it sounds) to enable you determine your Life Purpose and evaluate your Life Principles. For those that struggle with self-knowledge, this helps you connect with your inner self.

Understand that your Life Purpose is different from your Life Project. Your Life Purpose is not: ” To be the next Ben Carson” or “To find the cure for AIDS” that’s a Life Project you assigned to yourself. Your Life Purpose is the reason for your creation, what’s most important to you, successful

Your Life Purpose is the reason for your creation, what’s most important to you.A compass has four cardinal directions which in this case represents the four most important principles that guide your life. The most important of these four is your North Direction which is your Life Purpose. This serves as a reference point no matter where you’re headed in life. Therefore, this determines your other three directions.

A compass has four cardinal directions which in this case represents the four most important principles that guide your life. The most important of these four is your North Direction which is your Life Purpose. This serves as a reference point no matter where you’re headed in life. Therefore, this determines your other three directions.

The most important of these four is your North Direction which is your Life Purpose. This serves as a reference point no matter where you’re headed in life. Therefore, this determines your other three directions.

The beautiful thing about your Life Compass is that it’s not set in stone i.e a final representation of your life but it is the best reflection of your values and belief systems in the present moment. As you journey through life, you revisit it and modify it.

It may sound difficult and confusing right now. You probably don’t know how to start, that’s okay. The answers you seek are within you. No one can give them to you.

At the end of your life, how would you like your story to be told?

Alicia James


Hey there, I like to call myself as a delightful soul.
I am on a journey of self discovery and I enjoy blogging because it helps me connect with the world through my words as I share my thoughts and experiences as well as that of others

Alicia is a young budding blogger (a fine blend of a Niche Expert & Lifestyle blogger) with a lot of enthusiasm and inspiration. You can meet her at her blog Alicia James to get a better glimpse of her World.

Would you like to guest post or an interview? Feel free to contact me through my contact page or on email:

Life · Poetry/Poems · The Daily Post

Life Is A Suitcase…

white luggage

Did you know that life’s a suitcase

In which we journey through this maze?

You put the things you feel you’ll need

As you trundle along at your own speed

Good portion of love

Inside your trove

Helpings of smiles

Will go a mile

Family and friends can come along

They are always there to keep us strong

A dash of life skills is worthwhile too

A pinch of resilience without much ado

Good thoughts, positive vibes are simply a must

With good faith and in God we trust

Sometimes some run out of space

They end up with a bursting suitcase

Sometimes we over anticipate

And end up paying for excess luggage

Though life may have it’s bumpy trails

But if we pack with some essential stuff

We would enjoy it as we set sweet sail

That my friend would be good enough.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Suitcase,The Daily Post Prompt