Featured Blogs

Featured Posts 127 – Share your post links.



Today’s featured blogs posts are:

Cologne from the magnificent Cathedral to chocolate factory: Magnificient architectural edifice. Such wonderful structures make me feel humble with regards to what man can achieve and has achieved, yet we take it for granted.

Birther or non-birther give it up: Like Rixlibris I’m glad that we can now move on from the birther issue to other (sensational) things 😉

Sensory processing disorder in the classroom: A well-articulated blog post on pragmatic ways of handling the daily needs of a special needs child. Worth reading  Jsack’s mom’s blog.

Strength in fragility: our strength lies not in being strong during the stormy season, but in our grace to bend and roll with the waves. Short, beautiful, thought-provoking poem.

Oh you World, now you envy: a delight to read while sipping my cup of tea.

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