Dubai · Echos Of My Neighbourhood

We are basting to be baked!

I know that in so many places the arrival of Summer is welcomed with pomp and pageantry whilst the opposite is the case over here. Having lived in the Middle East for over 6 years, we prefer the Winter months when we get to indulge in so many outdoor activities and the electric/power bill is at its lowest.

During Summer in the UAE, the heat can literally get so oppressive that you feel like your brain has melted. You can practically fry an egg on the tarmac, you sweat buckets once you are outside the comfort of an AC, bills triple, people get irritable and tempers fly at the drop of a hat, spike in people falling sick, vehicles overheat and breakdown, outdoorsy events die down to nil, a certain fatigue and malaise sets in, and the list goes on.

Like is commonly said, too much of everything is not the best. I love mild wintry weather and not the deep freeze bitter Winter experienced in some parts of the World. I equally do not fancy this blazing heat that leaves me parched, tired and wistfully wondering at how long we are away from the breezy cool days of UAE Winter.

Some like it hot, some like it cold, some like it in-between. We do complain about the weather, don’t we? 😉

7 thoughts on “We are basting to be baked!

      1. I had a condo in a little town outside of Scottsdale, AZ and the town was so empty in summer that all the wild animals would move in to take advantage of the lake at the town’s center. Anyone who stayed in summer was likely to find Bob Cats or even a Mountain Lion in their yard.

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  1. We do complain and when the weather changes for the better we forget the discomfort we had experienced. I live in coastal south India. The weather has been hot and humid since March. The southwest monsoon usually starts in June. We are getting pre monsoon showers and it is a relief. 😊

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