
Did I ever say thank you?

This is a little thank you note to appreciate every single one of you. To all those who have kept me company in this space through these months; to all those who found me worthy to honour with a blog award now and again, to all those who supported this blog in many little ways that kept it alive, I thank you.

Appreciation, Thank you

Some days when I’m low in spirit, your bright posts, comments and encouragement peps me up. Many may consider this as ‘unreal friends’ because we are all online… but I don’t think so. You all impact my life from wherever you are. You all make me a better person and for some reason, you are in my heart.

Kind regards,


32 thoughts on “Did I ever say thank you?

  1. Jackie,
    Thank you for being in my life and inspiring me each day. Hope the new year brings you great good health, prosperous business prospects, more words that inspire and friends that you can keep.
    God bless,


    1. Susie my dear one, thank you. Your words and your posts have a way of keeping me grounded and appreciative of the friends I’ve made in this space. May God in his infinite grace bless and keep you. ((hugs))


  2. Jackie – you have inspired me, showed great respect, positive respect. My deepest and sincere gratitude to you. May God Bless you and keep up your wonderful work!


  3. Friendship comes in all forms. And now in the age of technology, online is another form. We may not meet in person, but we meet heart to heart through our words. Thank you for yours 🙂


  4. Before there was an internet or a computer, there was a thing called a “pen pal”. I always felt my pen pals were “real” friends. I am happy to put you into that category.


    1. Many lasting and deep relationships have been formed this way and to say the least, every day that I log on I come away feeling refreshed, fulfilled and thankful for having connected with such beautiful warmhearted people. Thank you my lady 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Jacqui: You were the first to follow me..the first to encourage me, and the first to laugh at something I wrote. YOU are the reason so many of us now follow your posts. You are a brightness we all want to share. I am so proud that we “met” in this digital world of ours.


    1. Van its amazing how warm I feel about my friends in this place. Sometimes, I feel as though I know each person beyond their blogs and there are times that I wish it’s possible to meet these wonderful folks in real time and just say thank you 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Hugs Jacqueline. Thank you to you too. I always regard you as my blogging mum the person who invited me my first blog party…
    Hugs to you. I agree the friends made in the blogging world are sincere, kindred spirits.

    The magic is in warm words we share from the heart

    With love Bella


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