Good Ideas · romance

Unique Proposal Ideas That Are Sure To Work

Proposing to your partner is probably one of the scariest things that you’ll ever do. It’s also one of the most special nights of your life so getting it right is vital, if you mess it up too badly then they might not say yes! There are plenty of great romantic proposal ideas but so many of them have been done a thousand times before. It’ll still be nice but you have to go the extra mile to truly make it special. If you’re stuck for inspiration, why not consider one of these inventive proposal ideas?

Proposal, Marriage, Relationships, Unique Ideas, Matrimony, Happily Ever After

Image From Pixabay

The Ring

Getting the right ring is very important. It is a symbol of your love that will be in your family for generations to come. It can be tempting to go for something traditional to play it safe, but your partner isn’t likely to be that impressed by it. You need to go for something more personal to them, it will make the whole proposal that bit more special. If you’re looking for something a bit more out there, you can get Tacori engagement rings here. They’ll be able to give you something far more unique than a bog standard engagement ring. Once you’ve got the ring sorted, you need to work out exactly how you are going to pop the question.

Scavenger Hunt

If your partner loves puzzles, a scavenger hunt is the perfect way to propose to them. Set out a series of clues, getting more difficult as they progress, and wait at the end ready to propose. One way of making it even more romantic is to base the scavenger hunt around places that are special to you. Perhaps your favorite restaurant or the place where you first met. They might start to work out what is going on halfway through, but that will just make it all the better when they finally reach the end.

Jigsaw Puzzle

You can get custom jigsaw puzzles made online these days and they’re the perfect way to propose. Have one made up that says ‘will you marry me?’ on it somewhere. Don’t make it too large otherwise they’ll be able to tell before they solve it. Getting a puzzle with a thousand pieces is also a pretty bad idea because your partner might get bored before they’ve finished solving it and they’ll be pretty suspicious if you are insistent that they need to finish it.


Restaurants are one of the most popular places to propose, but doing it front of all of those people might not be ideal for them. A good proposal should be a personal thing between you, not something that you share with a bunch of strangers. Instead, you should take them to their favorite restaurant and hire the entire place out just for the two of you. Try booking the restaurant fairly early, or on a weekday so they won’t get too suspicious when you arrive and nobody else is in there. They’ll never see it coming when you get the ring out and pop the question. For an extra special touch, have a string quartet come and play some romantic background music.

3 thoughts on “Unique Proposal Ideas That Are Sure To Work

I love it when you decorate my heart with your words..