Stream of Consciousness Saturday.

Speaking with Proficiency

I love learning new languages and believe that I have an ear for it. I find it amusing that Linda gave us language as our prompt for SoCS because I was just finished looking at my test result.

I took my French Language evaluation test in March and the result just came back from Paris yesterday. My result makes me feel like a Top dog. For a language that I haven’t used consistently for years, close to 10 years now – after spending five years of my life, learning, eating and breathing the French language, my result is absolutely great.

Phew! What a relief! I must tell you that I was a bit concerned before the exam, during and after.

I just couldn’t afford to fail – ha, ha! I’m not sure how I would have explained to my children that I failed a French language proficiency exam when they always look at me as a guru. Thank God for small mercies.

As for other languages, I speak Igbo, which is my mother tongue, a smattering of Yoruba, Hausa, and Spanish. Now I am experimenting with Arabic. Who knows, maybe by the time I leave The Middle-East my command of Arabic language would be un peu passable.

Bon weekend à tous 🙂


32 thoughts on “Speaking with Proficiency

  1. I’m impressed to say the least. I’m up here at 2:45 am because of Linda’s topic. Language. I got up to tell a story I have never written before and Have told only three or fur people. If I can do so, it will be on my blog today. I don’t know…..


  2. Jolly good for you getting an excellent French result. I think it’s great that you can speak so many languages – it is such an advantage to be able to communicate and get to know people in their own language. I wish I had got started on more language learning when I was younger.


  3. I can imagine your fear of failing French a language that you are proficient in. But I know from experience that even if you don’t use a language you never really forget it and if you have a ear for languages you will always learn new tongues at any age. So I’m sure you’ll be speaking Arabic soon enough

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  4. Oh Jacqueline. Well done on the test result 🙂 You must feel very happy with your efforts. I have to say, I am quite envious of your capacity to learn languages. I have been trying to learn Spanish for over two years, and find it very frustrating…I’m at the level where I can understand quite a lot, but my brain doesn’t work fast enough to come up with an answer! So in conversation I can nod and understand, but the other person doesn’t usually get much conversation back! I guess I will continue trying 🙂 Hope you’re well Jacqueline. – Carly

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  5. Congratulations, Jacqueline! Your name is actually French. 😀 I need to learn French too. I grew up in Louisiana, and that is our second language. I know a few conversational phrases, but that’s about it. I love the language though. Best wishes learning Arabic…having an aptitude for languages helps.

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