Midnight motivation and musings · The Daily Post

In Good Measure… Midnight Musings

Quote, LifeLessons, Wisdom, Your Portion, Poetry

Never forget that the measure you give,
is the measure you will receive.

You can’t sow corn and harvest pumpkins.
You can’t sow hatred and reap a bounty of love.
When you uplift others, you rise up with them.

However, when you spend time holding someone down,
you stay down with them because you need all your energy
to keep them pressed to the floor or the wall.

If only you can remember this,
apply it in your relationship with everyone that you meet.

You, my dear friend, will have a good measure,
pressed down, shaken and running over
added continuously to your life.


Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha


4 thoughts on “In Good Measure… Midnight Musings

  1. If only simple life lessons like this one were applied to everyday life… What a difference it would make in the world… Great post, Jacqueline 🙂


I love it when you decorate my heart with your words..