
You Don’t Smell Good…

Quit Judging, Quotes

I have no patience
for those who spend
a better part of their time
judging and labelling others.

You’ve never worn
the other man’s shoes,
how exactly do you know
how undersized and pinching they are?

Quit being obtuse
You don’t smell like roses yourself.
If we look hard enough, I bet
there’s are loads of manure in your garden.

Tend to your own garden
called your life.
Concentrate on being the best you
that you can be.

Concentrate on being a supportive anchor
for someone who might be adrift,
but leave your judgment at the doorstep
otherwise, you’ll wear out your welcome.

Remember that not all who wander
have truly lost their path,
they are simply in search of a beacon
to help them find their way back.


Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

18 thoughts on “You Don’t Smell Good…

  1. Ya.. why should we intrude into the comfort zone of others and make them stressed.. just leave them or ignore the, as long as they are not hurting your ego


  2. On the other hand, if you find a person objectionable, walk a mile in his shoes. That way you’ll be a mile away from the dude and hey, you’ll have his shoes.


  3. Jackie,
    I would like to reblog this poem with your permission.
    What beautiful lines !
    “but leave your judgment at the doorstep
    otherwise, you’ll wear out your welcome.”

    And again
    ” they are simply in search of a beacon
    to help them find their way back.”

    I love poems with a message.
    Good work- I think this poem is inspired.

    Liked by 1 person

I love it when you decorate my heart with your words..