A Click A Day · Mundane Monday

Beautiful Grid…

Mundane Monday challenge is created to find beauty in almost everything.

The challenge is simple. Find beauty in everyday mundane things, capture the beauty and upload the photographs.

Ceiling grid, photos, beautiful

The way the runner plant is all twisted around the ceiling grid is just lovely.

To create beautiful surroundings takes only imagination.


9 thoughts on “Beautiful Grid…

  1. Jacque, I’m so glad to see this. I have something similar in my bathroom ceiling on cross bars rather than grid. I like it but am a bit embarrassed by it because no one else has one, so I have questioned my own judgment. Even at 83, I seek peer approval!


  2. It is beautiful… In Madrid where I live, I often think the things that are the most beautiful, are the things you only notice when you look up. When you look up you might see some old-style window shutters, ornate decoration on buildings, or the beautiful architecture of Spain. I think sometimes people forget to look up, and spend much of their time walking, with their heads down, or not paying much attention to their surroundings. You looked up, and saw this beautiful grid 🙂 Thank you for sharing this. Take care. Carly.

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