Blog-hopping · Online Blog Party

October Blog Blast – Let’s Get This Party Started.🎶🍰🍨🌭🍸🍻💃

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Yeah! It’s fun time again. 🙂

We have hit October so fast that sometimes my mind spins at the way time zooms by. Doesn’t it make one feel like a happy hamster running around in circles in pursuit of time? 🙂

Anywhoo, I hope your weekend is going great. You are most welcome to my monthly meet & mingle, shake a leg & jingle, connect & interact with other awesome folks in here.

If this is your first-time visit, the rules of play are outlined below, if you are an old-timer, you know the drill.

Grab some refreshments and favours which nicely arranged down the page. Feel free to indulge, these are zero calories😉

Just some little party rules:

  1. You must mix and mingle with others. Don’t be a wallflower. Go say hello to someone and you can participate in the Tag a poem, a thought or quote below.
  2. Let us know where you are blogging from.
  3.  Please leave your blog link or post link in the comment box below along with introductions.
  4. It’s one link per comment, but come back as often as you’d like, that way it’s easier to focus on a link at a time for others.
  5. Please reblog, spread the word of the party like butter, or like, share on Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Facebook, etc. Tell your family, friends,  blogging neighbours, even your blogging pets.
  6. Have fun, it’s a great way to find bloggers and have them find you.
  7. Please show some love. Reblog this post. It helps all of us! The more people that see and participate in it, the more potential new follows! So, share and share voraciously!

Thank you for coming to my party and supporting my blog. You rock.

Image result for images of autumn

A Little Poem

In vivacious splashes of orange, burnt gold, and green,

Nature weaves her enchanting magic of Fall.

You can continue from here…

A Litte Joke

Image result for Jokes images

Solve this 1-minute crime case



148 thoughts on “October Blog Blast – Let’s Get This Party Started.🎶🍰🍨🌭🍸🍻💃

  1. Good morning (well, it is in England). I’ve forgotten the cake & jelly (& it’s too early for wine) but I’ve brought a poem:

    Falling For You

    I write both poetry & short stories (& the occasional song). Hoping to pick up some more Followers (current target is 200 of them) & also to find some interesting fiction sites to follow.

    My writing tends to be rather emotional. Sometimes in a romantic, loving way & sometimes in more of a dark way. This reflects the year I had, with my ex-wife denying me contact with my daughter for over 10 months (hence the more negative emotive pieces…thankfully I eventually beat her in Court & got my daughter back but it was painful) but also with meeting the love of my life & getting engaged (her name’s Phoebe & she’s lovely). Some of my more negative emotive writing also draws from previously being trapped in an abusive relationship for years. Much happier nowadays.

    Next year is hopefully going to be more of the positive & less of the negative (getting married then). Interested to see what impact this has on my writing.

    Liked by 8 people

      1. Yes, Phoebe did help to keep me sane. Still an extremely traumatic experience to go through though. Very emotional. At least I have my daughter back now and our bond is still as strong as it ever was. 🙂


      2. Prayers for you Philip I know what you’re going through..So God Bless Your Story is touching along with the other bloggers , I’m new here just learning how to use the blog world but I’m in here but have a great one.


    1. Hi there Philip. Thank you for sharing your wonderful poem. 🙂 I just checked out your blog and I’m looking forward to following more of your writings. 🙂 I hope you have a great day!

      Liked by 3 people

  2. Hey hey hey !! guess who just crashed into the parteyyy !
    Hello lovely people, hope the beginning of this month fuels you with happiness and joy ! 🙂
    It’s Sara, i write from Lebanon 🙂
    Jackie thank you for this awesome party, fun and beautiful as always !
    Here’s my latest post, suits the mood so you can discover a little bit about where i’m from ! 😀

    Meet Byblos/Jbeil

    Enjoy it :)!

    Liked by 6 people

  3. I just went Round
    Astonished by the Sound
    I shall finish eating all by the Pound
    Greetings to all at the party Ground
    In the rules of happiness we are Bound
    Let us be grateful to Jacky to host such parties Round & Round.
    Jacqueline please accept this as my Comment & Poem.
    Thank You
    Enjoy Folks!!!!

    Liked by 7 people

      1. That’s great news. I’m actually launching my second blog (self-hosted) this coming week and I do wish you all the best. Please feel free to send in your links from time to time and attend the parties 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  4. With my intro post I mentioned I write both positive & negative emotive pieces. As I opened with a love poem, thought I’d follow it up with a “And now for something completely different” (love Monty Python) moment…a dark murder mystery short story. See

    Some people who read it said they found the protagonist to be really endearing. Others said he’s a monster. It may depend on whether you choose to interpret him as the killer or the victim.

    As an aspect of my dyspraxia is having a patchy/unreliable/malfunctioning memory, memory loss and memory in general are recurring themes in my writing. This feeds into this short story.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Great party, Jackie! I had a huge laugh reading the joke though the case really puzzled me. I wonder if the code is a phone number or the code to a safe box.
    Anyway, hailing from the suburb of Salt Lake City, good morning and this is the link to my blog: This is Another Story.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Thanks for the invite to your blog party, Jacqueline! I even shared it among my Twitter friends so hopefully, they’ll stop by and say hi too! My name is Tunisia and I have a lifestyle blog where I post five times a week – Music Monday, Talk Tuesday, Wise Wednesday, TV Thursday and Freestyle Friday so if you like some good vibes during your work week, please feel free to check out my website at 😊

    Liked by 4 people

  7. Hello, Jacqui and thank you for the invitation. It has been an interesting and eventful year and it skipped by quite quickly. This is my most recent post, Poppet.

    It was the highlight of my work day on Friday, at a Russian university. The other highlight was forgetting a small bag with souvenir purchases at Starbucks. I was too excited to try out the maple something latte. ‘Twas yummy. Have a great weekend, guys and dolls.

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Hey hi people.sorry for being late..I am sasha.You can find me on .first of all i should appreciate this thought of arranging a party and letting people meet.I have read the joke and it’s a good one..this is really helpful for people who wana grow traffic and grow as a successful blogger.I try to be happy always even at the worst phase of here I’m sharing my hapi post ..happy blogging everyone and enjoy the party and have fun🙂

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Hello!
      Never a such thing as “late” when a party is going on, glad you could make it. I agree, this is a wonderful way to get everyone smiling, laughing and talking. I was looking at your blog page, and hope to read more of your blog post, the link you sent us, I finished reading it, and enjoyed it. good content.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Hey hi!i visited your blog and read some of your posts and i liked them.I am so pleased to meet you and Thanks for visiting my blog .Glad you liked the post🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Hi Sasha. 🙂 I just read your post, and I love what you wrote. A very inspirational read. 🙂 Thank you for sharing. I’m looking forward to following your blog. 🙂 I hope you have a great day!

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Hey brenda!pleased to meet you.Thanks for stopping by and reading the post.I have read some of yours too..I liked most of them🙂Glad you liked my writings and thanks for following🙂have a wonderful day and happy blogging🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Reblogged this on K. Phoenix and commented:
    Hi all! Jacqueline is hosting another blog party, so come and mix and mingle with other bloggers. And, don’t forget to share a blog or post link. Woot! 😃

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Hi there! Just done the reblog. Did it to drag first-timers with me. I am one. Thanks for the invitation. I am from the Philippines. My blog has been a year old but active only for the past five months. I guess, I could no longer stop writing. My blog is more about inward journeys. So you may opt to read my latest post when you are alone and about to sleep. I write poems too but it’s more on the freestyle. I do not like rules in expressing my thoughts.

    The Best School Ever

    Just happy to be here. Wishing everyone well!


    Liked by 2 people

  11. Considering next Saturday is my birthday, I’m excited to start the celebration early with this joyful party!

    At my blog, you will find thoughts, mostly poems, about what’s going on in my life through the views of the various roles I assume in any given moment: mom of twins, wife, daughter, friend, manager, woman, spiritual seeker.

    Please come by for a visit:

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Marina,
      I have always wanted to visit Greece, I fell in love with Greek mythology in school, and will be sure to take a look at your blog page! welcome to the party & happy October.


      Liked by 2 people

  12. Hello Party Goers-

    My name is Shay-lon, I love this idea of meeting other bloggers, and hope to connect with the majority of you if not all.

    My blog page is based on fitness/health, not your average fitness blog, it goes beyond the physical and also speaks on mental health, & nutrition as well as other fun topics! I have my degree in exercise science, so you can count of me for some answers to your health questions! ha.

    Thank you for the invite and feel free to say hi, I love talking and networking with others 😀

    Shay-lon xxx

    Liked by 3 people

  13. Hi Jacqueline! I just wanted to say thank you for hosting another awesome blog party! 🙂 You rock!

    I would also like to wish all the amazing bloggers in attendance a very happy Saturday. 🙂 I’m hoping to visit a few blogs before the day is over. 🙂 I love discovering new blogs and connecting with my fellow bloggers. I host a poetry blog where I write about whatever comes to mind. I only post once a week, preferring to free up some time to read the wonderful blogs in my community. Beneath is a poem that I wrote to celebrate World Peace Day.

    Liked by 2 people

  14. Dear Jacqueline, Thanks again for the invite to the party, you do such a good job.. Food , gentle music… is it there is no sunshine when she gone – instrumental ……ahhh just lovely.

    I am late to the party as always – lol so here a few piece that i think you might like….

    Traffic Control your Thoughts!

    Who is Your Button Pusher ?

    Who is Your Button Pusher ?


    Regards Bella – aka –

    Liked by 2 people

  15. Hello, this is my first time joining the party! Looks like fun. Just working my way around looking at all the people on here. I see some of the times on the comments. It’s only 12:30 p.m. here, so hopefully I am not too late.

    I have loved writing poems since I was a child. I am not a professional at all, I just do it for fun for myself and family & friends. I did write a poem a few years ago when I started this blog as an assignment. I realize it’s probably not that great, but it was from my heart on my feelings
    about animals. Here is the link to the poem:

    I’m sure you figured out from my title, “Animals Are Feeling Beings Too”, my blog is about animals. My passion is helping abused animals. I am not a radical person that believes in violence towards those hurting animals. I just want to get the word out about what others can do to help, to open their eyes to the truth about what is going on possibly right in your own neighborhood to the dog next door or the elephant at your local festival, and to fight for more laws to protect animals. I believe animals should be treated as God intended. I have other things on my blog such as vegetarian recipes, Tuesday Tales, and pet care tips. I am pretty new so I am still learning and trying to connect with others.

    Here is the link to my blog:

    I am looking forward to meeting some fellow bloggers through this party! October is such a great month! Fall is so beautiful!

    LeeAnn 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Jackie, what a wonderful party. Sorry, I could not come for the hot breakfast. Was really hungry, so made the short trip to the kitchen. One thing led to another and here I am, few hours late. Trying to savor as many flavors as I can, but impossible to digest such a rich offering. Need to have a late afternoon siesta before attending a dinner invitation. Plan to return tomorrow.

    here is a shortlink to a poem I wrote just a few minutes back :

    Liked by 2 people

  17. Woot! Happy blogging everyone! I love connecting and making new friends. Come on by for a spot of tea or hot toddy with me. The door’s open and my guardian dragon is friendly. Love, peace and chocolate, Mother Wintermoon ❤️

    Liked by 2 people

  18. Sorry, I am late. Life has been super busy. I just stopped by for a quick refreshment. I’m usually at ever one of jackies parties. I’ve read all your comments. I agree with everyone. You throw a great party. It takes a lot of work and dedication.

    Good to see some bloggers I already know hooking up here. Great to meet you all. Sorry, it is so rushed.

    I’m not going to leave my link but hope all of you have had a fab weekend and please have a wonderful week. May Monday pass by in an hour. ha ha!

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Hello everybody nice meeting you all here.
    What all you have been doing here. I for, almost tasted all the dishes, juices. Made some friends and followed some I do not know many shall me.
    Anyway here is my link:
    You may pay a visit.

    Liked by 1 person

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