Writer's Quote Wednesday

Fare Thee Well – Writers Quote Wednesday Writing Challenge.

Image result for images of farewell

I don’t like saying goodbye
‘cos it sounds final and makes me sad.
I prefer to say fare thee well,
for it’s a prayer for better tidings,
bestowed to you.
It makes me feel less teary
and turning into a sniffy, watering pot,
knowing that you are safe and snuggly somewhere,
I’ll remember you with fond thoughts.


When I read Colleen’s post and prompt for  Writers Quote Wednesday Writing Challenge, a little voice in my head shouted NOOOOO. Hold on. I don’t want to let go just yet. I love WQWWC and it’s grown on me.

Isn’t this how we feel about things we’ve grown used to and grown to love? We just don’t want it to end, we just don’t want it to change even when the new thing promises to be good and maybe better even?

Change we must for change is inevitable. To move up to higher grounds, we often have to let go of our inhibitions and climb up the ladder.

So, here’s my farewell to WQWWC and hello to Tuesday Tanka. It’s been a lovely ride. I might still indulge myself with some Wednesday quote now and again. I hate to fly solo, so join me if you wish to dive into quotes.

Thank you, to Colleen and Ronovan for being such gracious hosts.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Image credit: Pinterest

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8 thoughts on “Fare Thee Well – Writers Quote Wednesday Writing Challenge.

  1. Jacqueline, I may start using fare thee well. It is filled with warmth just like you. I am hoping someone will keep Writer’s Quote going. I could do it on Thursdays. Want to do it together? Maybe we could get two other people to share the fun.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Jacqueline, I can’t wait until Tanka Tuesday! The way you write poetry, it will be stupendous. Please do try to continue the quote challenge. You are perfect for it! Many hugs. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

I love it when you decorate my heart with your words..