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I Am Sorry ðŸ˜‰


20 thoughts on “I Am Sorry ðŸ˜‰

  1. My cat is much worse! We prevented any harm there, but did chase 6 screaming Coyotes away from the neighbor’s yard. Hope they were fighting among themselves over a dead deer, and not killing the neighbor’s dog! In the new Age, we hope it is literally true that there will be no more carnivores. But I get nowhere discussing animal rights with my cats!

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      1. I am teaching a four year old, now 5, to not be scared of the dark and to growl like some animal they do not want to know what kind- he is very excited about coyotes, and wants to go find them. We carry only a stick. Once I had a pack of three wild dogs attack me, and all I had was a briefcase and a stick! Dog is difficult enough, but King David could literally take a lion, if it stole his lamb and would not give it back. Somehow he would take it “by the beard.”He could also take a bear barehanded, but needed a slingshot to take Goliath. These things amazingly are rare but possible: we just work on Coyotes and dogs, and have never hurt a one! There is a secret, too, which anyone can learn by visiting my archive blog on Thadeusz Borowski.


  2. lol! This is awesome! If chocolate bunnies came in dark chocolate, they would need to fear me but since they don’t, they are safe from my bite! Glad you enjoyed your Easter bunny!


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