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Wowee! This Party is Hopping!…

RSVPYour delightful presence would be most welcome to a cosy dinner party that I am hosting.

You know how I love to liven things up and I can assure you that you will have a most relaxing and delicious experience.

I wouldn’t want to let too much cat out of the bag but I want to titillate your senses just a wee bit.

An exquisite and sumptuous banquet from top culinary artists will be laid out to feast on.

We would have the most entertaining dinner guests of the past few centuries, in the names of Jane Austen, Charlotte Brontë, Ernest Hemingway, Leonardo Da Vinci, William Shakespeare, Wolfgang Mozart, Chinua Achebe and James Brown.

Da Vinci will be seated between Jane and Charlotte where he will spend the evening admiring their profiles and twiddling his thumbs in earnest desire to cast them into esteemed timeless art pieces like the Mona Lisa.

Shakespeare will be at one side of Jane where he will whisper naughty poetic nonsense to her and Jane will definitely reply him with Pride but without Prejudice.

James will ensconce himself beside Charlotte as well and listen to her tales of Jane Eyre and her enduring love for Rochester. He will do a little footwork under the table to her blushing chagrin and admiration.

Mozart will keep us entertained with his sublime piano concertos and intermittently, Ernest would recite his poetry’s that will make us feel intelligent and at peace.

Respected Achebe would recline in deep appreciation of his company while penning ‘So Long a letter’ to his pal Mariama Ba about how things seem to be coming together at my dinner party (and not falling apart like in his book ‘Things Fall Apart).

He would also emphasize on the fact that under my auspices, every one is now at ease and also not like in his novel ‘No Longer at Ease’ which had been written after a rather poor dinner outing with the Westerns 😉

RSVP as quickly as possible and do tell me you would grace us with your presence.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

The Daily Post prompt Seat Guru

You get to plan a dinner party for 4-8 of your favorite writers/artists/musicians/other notable figures, whether dead or alive. Who do you seat next to whom in order to inspire the most fun evening?

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30 thoughts on “Wowee! This Party is Hopping!…

  1. “No Longer at Ease” is a great summing-up for your way too funny dinner party! I’d love to be a fly on the wall at your party for the conversational madness.

    Also, many thanks to you for posting multiple funny musings this week. Happy Thanksgiving!

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