Creative Writing · Humor - Bellyful of laughter

My Clandestine Lover…

Clandestine lover

I have a very daring lover,
He sneaks to visit when everyone is away,
Most times in the dead of the night,
Afraid of being caught in the dastardly act,

Day after day,
When all lights are off,
He sneaks into my room,
For a nibble and he suckles from me,

I tried to warn him,
Of the danger of this escapades,
But he wouldn’t listen,
He only itched some more,

Last night he visited,
Just one more time he said,
To say goodbye and move on,
To more welcoming and robust pastures,

Unfortunately, for the guy,
My husband caught him,
Right in the middle of the act,
As he suckled greedily,
To his utmost delight,

One big swat,
And down he went,
Sluggish from all the blood,
He had stolen from me,

My Mosquito King is dead!
No more night marauding,
For this pesky one 🙂

Get your minds straightened out, naughty people 🙂

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha


Image Credit: Tristan and Iseult depicted by Edmund Blair Leighton; courtesy Wikipedia.

19 thoughts on “My Clandestine Lover…

  1. As I went on reading it was first the beautiful lover.
    As I came down I thought as much it should be a Mosquito.
    There is one Prose I am writing on that, may be some day I will post it.
    Good intelligent Poetry.
    Pats! Pats !! Pats !!!

    Liked by 1 person

I love it when you decorate my heart with your words..