Creative Writing · Humor - Bellyful of laughter · Love · Poetry/Poems · The Daily Post

The Sweet Nothings… :)


There lives a fair maiden
She has a sweet tooth
Carts full of sweet laden
She puts in her booth

Her eyes fill with twinkles
Her cheeks show their dimples
At thoughts of sweet sprinkles
She laughs with merry tinkles

A lick and a nibble, she sighs, Oh my,
This bite feels so right
It gives so much delight
Oh how I enjoy this, though it sits on my thighs.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Enjoy The Archies: You are my candy girl. My dad played this so much when I was just an itty-bitty little girl.

The Daily Post Prompt Pour some sugar on me.

What is your favorite sweet thing to eat? Bread pudding? Chocolate chip oatmeal cookies? A smooth and creamy piece of cheesecake? Tell us all about the anticipation and delight of eating your favorite dessert. Not into sweets? Tell us all about your weakness for that certain salty snack.