
Dear Mister…

Poetry, Poor Man, Dear Mister, Sad

Dear Mister,

what were you thinking

when you sold your land

for 70 shillings and went

to town to live the good life,

only to return as a servant

to the man who purchased your land?



The Daily Post

When they put up the fences…

When they put up the fences
may our feet be as fleet as gazelle
that we outrun their barbed enclaves
may our wings spread wide
that we soar high to tips of the highest trees
breaching the boundaries of caged birds
whose wings are clipped
but their voices continue to sing.

When they put up the fences
will they stay rested behind their glass towers
or will they venture to other people’s poor spaces
and plant their feet in arrogant superiority
whilst they tear the owners asunder?
Forgetting that he who brings an insect infested log into his abode
invites the lizard to feast
and may not have rest.

When they put up their fences
tell me
Would that really make any sense?
What manner of divisions shall we see?
Would that really be a worthwhile defense?
or will it trigger room for more offense?
When they put up their fences,
then what? I’m in suspense.


© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

P.S: You can join our online party this weekend. It’s always a good time:-)

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.


“Beautiful Poetry of Life and Love.” Amanda

Out of the silent breath

If you enjoy my works and would like to do so, you can fuel my creativity with a slice of cake or coffee😉

The Daily Post

Broody or moody…

Pensive is an upper-class word that means reflective
another way to say that you are introspective
or maybe a bit ruminative

Whatever stokes your senses to be cogitative
it’s all good to be perceptive
though some prefer to call it meditative.

Some writers love to use grandiose words like stamp duty
a pensive man they would describe as broody
which makes him sound more intense than moody

…and excuses his behaviour that might be kooky
especially in those romantic books that are juicy
or those paranormal stories that tend to be spooky

Of late I have been a bit pensive
a gamut of thoughts run through my head making me restive
I need to sort them and get progressive.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Pensive, The Daily Post Prompt

Below is my first Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

Out of the silent breath

I hear you in my thoughts…

Your words of wisdom,

of love and encouragement…

They are etched upon my soul.

They keep me warm.


*an excerpt from my poem*