Health · Social Issues · Wellness

The Gatecrashers…

As I think of Kate Spade, my mind goes to this poem that I wrote which can be found in my poetry book Unbridled.’ You can read Unbridled for free. 


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The Gatecrashers

Uninvited, they arrive. I smell them from miles away.

Their radar zeros into the crowd, they steal in to join the happy gang.

Their presence disturbs and stifles, like thieves, they are up to no good.

Planting themselves on both sides like guards, the silent battle of my mind begins.

My other self, the invisible one vacates in a hurry to watch them from the other side

‘Do they know your secrets?’ depression asks in its know-it-all voice.

‘I bet you wouldn’t be the belle of the ball if they knew,’ loneliness opines.

Lips crack a smile, false laughter rings in the room,

intelligent conversation over glasses of wine;

breezy kisses blown into the air of cheek sides,

troubles forgotten maybe till tomorrow or less;

We do know how to throw great parties,

our mannequin faces caked in powder

I count minutes before it’s alright to escape;

With depression and loneliness dogging each step I take,

making such ruckus as we jostle out of the room.

© 2018 Jacqueline

Mental illness and depression is no respecter of persons and knows no boundaries. It is a silent killer and fast becoming an epidemic. An insidious illness that robs the sufferer of so much. We must stop the stigma. There’s nothing to be ashamed of. We must keep talking and keep the channels of listening open. Please take care of yourself and each other.

#RIP Kate #How are you feeling? #It’s okay to ask for help

Mental Health Matters