
The Factors That Should Not Be Allowed To Hold Your Blog Back

There are many, many many different bloggers out there trying to stake their claim in the endless and ever-expanding frontier that is the digital landscape. As of last year, there were around 350 million blogs on Tumblr alone. In such an oversaturated marketplace it takes a real pioneering spirit to plant your flag in the dirt and let everyone hear your voice. Broadly speaking, bloggers fall into 3 distinct categories. The first category is made up of hobbyists who use their blog as a whetstone to hone their writing skills, document their day to day lives and/or use their blog as a vehicle to keep far away friends abreast at what’s going on with them. The second group are the semi-pros. They’re committed to growing their blog and while they hope to someday use it as their main source of income… they’re not quite there yet. The third are the professionals. They have a sizeable following, they’ve monetized their blog and use it as their primary source of income.

Blogging, Personal Space, Laptop

Image by Pexels

Transitioning from the first category to the second is relatively straightforward. All you need to do is commit to creating regular content and put the effort in to grow your audience. Making it into the realms of the professionals, however, is a tricky business and there are many impediments that will try to block your path. Don’t let these repeat offenders stop you from living your dream…

Lack of investment

Few bloggers realize just how much they need to invest to be able to turn pro, which might necessitate a change in net working capital. Your battered old laptop and your basic WordPress site are unlikely to launch you into the stratosphere. A good laptop will be important to ensure that you’re able to manage several processes at once without slowing you down. Creating your own high-resolution images will allow you to stand out from the crowd so a good quality camera is also a good idea. You’ll also need to invest in your own domain name and a web hosting package with enough space to store your content.  


All bloggers start their journey with boundless enthusiasm, churning out content with gusto. If the content doesn’t find its audience, however, it’s easy for that enthusiasm to erode and turn into apathy and self-doubt. Before long they’re barely posting content anymore because… Why bother? If this sounds achingly familiar you may need to give yourself a shake to stay motivated.


There’s no greater enemy to creativity than fear. Fear that we’ll never be as good as our peers. Fear that nobody will care to read our content. Fear that we’ll receive nasty comments. Fear that we’ll be shunned by the community of bloggers and fear that we’ll be laughed out of the internet. While fear can be potent in stifling your creative spark it must not be allowed to extinguish it. Post regularly, share on social media regularly and maintain good relations with your fellow bloggers and the interest will come!

Lack of focus

With so much content out there, people like to go to particular blogs to read about very particular things. Therefore the more you know your niche the better. If you’re a parenting blog, choose a specialism in the realm of parenting like nutrition or education. If you love to write about movies, specialize in a genre like science fiction or horror. The more focused your niche, the better chance you have of reaching your target audience.


Go Hard or Go Home Approach To Making Your Blog Stand Out.

Anyone just starting out in the blogging world will probably wonder how long it takes to become successful. Well, that can depend on many different factors, but this post will focus on achieving that goal by making the blog stand-out from the crowd. Hopefully, people who put these tips into action will reach their dreams of becoming a professional blogger and website owner. It’s not as difficult as most people think when following the information outlined below. Also, there is no need to invest a lot of money in most instances.

Computer, Typing, Blogging, Writing, Keyboard


Publish excellent content all the time

It stands to reason that the best blogs always post fantastic and informative content for their readers. So, anyone who wants to succeed in the industry will have to focus on doing that first and foremost. Websites will never get millions of views every day if the content is less than perfect. That means it’s often sensible to employ the services of a freelance editor to check things over before anyone presses “publish.” Tips for writing great content include:

  • Presenting information readers don’t know
  • Offering a fresh perspective on different situations
  • Coming up with new ideas people have never voiced before

Create stunning graphics visitors can’t ignore

All bloggers should do their best to gain some basic graphic design skills if they want to make a success of their websites. Stunning imagery can encourage readers to come back time and time again. There is no need to stress if individuals have never done that in the past. There are plenty of Adobe Indesign training classes by Training Connection and similar providers. Sometimes it’s best to complete a program of that nature because they teach people how to use the software properly. So, anyone who does that should have a head start when it comes to designing unusual graphics people will never forget.

Consider adding a vlogging section to the site

Lots of people in the blogging world have moved towards vlogging in recent times. It’s a similar concept except the individual will record videos instead of writing articles. Anyone who chooses to do that should upload the clips to a YouTube channel as well as their website. That way, they open themselves up to an entirely new audience. There are lots of tips and advice available from Vlog Nation and similar sites. Far more people watch vlogs than reading blog posts these days. For that reason, all new bloggers should experiment with video when they get the opportunity.

From the suggestions mentioned on this page, new bloggers should manage to make some useful changes and increase the size of their audiences. When all’s said and done, there is more than enough room in the market for thousands of people to go professional in that industry. It’s just a case of finding the right approach and standing out from the crowd. As the old saying goes, individuals should either go hard or go home when it comes to making their site memorable to readers. Experiment, try various ideas and work out the best strategies based on the results. Good luck!

Online Blog Party

It’s Party Time. Come Right In 💃💕🎶🌭🍹🍻🍝🍰🍦🍿📻

It’s almost unbelievable how fast time seems to fly by these days. Is it just me? Another month end blog party already.

I would like to thank my new blog friends and welcome them to our warm gathering.

You are most welcome do make yourself comfortable and other up something tall and cool to drink 🙂

Refreshments and favours are nicely arranged down the page. Feel free to indulge, these are zero calories 😉

Just some little party rules:

  1. You must mix and mingle with others. Don’t be a wallflower. Go say hello to someone and you can participate in the Tag a poem, a thought or quote below.
  2. Let us know where you are blogging from.
  3.  Please leave your blog link or post link in the comment box below along with introductions.
  4. It’s one link per comment, but come back as often as you’d like, that way it’s easier to focus on a link at a time for others.
  5. Please reblog, spread the word of the party like butter, or like, share on Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Facebook, etc. Tell your family, friends,  blogging neighbours, even your blogging pets.
  6. Have fun, it’s a great way to find bloggers and have them find you.
  7. Please show some love. Reblog this post. It helps all of us! The more people that see and participate in it, the more potential new follows! So, share and share voraciously!

There we have it. Since all the rules have been clearly explained, have fun and make the most of it :-)

Thank you for coming to my party and supporting my blog. You rock.

We are Creating a Peace and Love Chain, so please add your little piece. Thank you.

I blog from Dubai and to the love and peace chain, I start with:

To Love is to be at Peace.

For tranquility, harmony, goodwill

understanding, and union

are benefits borne

from the active emotions of love.

***You can continue…

Crack These Simple Riddles Below 😉

  1. A horse is tied to a rope that’s five meters long. There’s a barn filled with hay 6 meters away, yet the horse can get up and eat the hay whenever he wants. How’s that possible?
  2. Arnold Schwarzenegger has a big one, Michael j fox has a small one, Madonna doesn’t have one, The Pope has one but he never uses it, Bill Clinton Has one and he uses it all the time!
    What is it?…