Health · Wellness

Times in Your Life To Consider Health Supplements

In an ideal world, you should be able to get all the nutrients and minerals that you need from the food that you consume on a daily basis. However, there may be times in your life that you need the boost which is provided by health supplements.

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Of course, you need to know more about the different options available. Just a few of the most common include fish oils, multivitamins, magnesium, vitamin D and vitamin B12. It is worth consulting with your doctor about the benefits of these various substances to you. So, here are a few of the most common times in your life when it may be appropriate to take health supplements.

When You Have Vitamin or Mineral Deficiencies

If you have had a blood test which shows that you have deficiencies in certain vitamins or minerals, you may want to take supplements as a way of correcting this imbalance. Your doctor will be able to advise you as to which ones are appropriate for your particular deficiency or deficiencies.

When You Have Dietary Restrictions

Whether you have dietary restrictions which are caused by your health or a lifestyle choice such as veganism, you may not be getting some of the minerals and vitamins that you require. The supplements which you take may be able to fill in the gaps and help to give you the greater sense of balance that you are looking for.

When You Are Pregnant

There are plenty of nutrients out there which have shown to play a major part in preventing birth defects and promoting the health of your baby. Your obstetrician is best-placed to give you direct advice about pre-pregnancy and pregnancy supplements which can play a useful role in the healthy development of your baby.

When You Are Getting Older

As we age, our calorie requirements adjust and the amount that you eat can start to decrease. When this happens, you may end up getting fewer vitamins and minerals in your diet. Once again, this is where health supplements can play a role in picking up the slack.

When You Take Medications Which Lead to Deficiencies

There are all sorts of medications out there which can end up leading to mineral and vitamin deficiencies. You can even end up being unable to absorb a range of essential nutrients. The best course of action is to work with your health professionals who will help you to select the right supplements for you.

When you are deciding on which supplements to take, you also need to consider what other food you are eating which are a source of that particular vitamin or mineral. You don’t want to risk exceeding your maximum intake levels as this can end up having the opposite impact on the one that you were intending. As we have mentioned a couple of times in this article, you are always better off consulting with your doctor if you are at all unsure.

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