

I searched his eyes
but he was long gone

wandering a private,
and distant place

a landscape with no zipcodes
and no maps.

I tried to call him back
all in futility

he was stuck
in the corridors of silence


© 2018 Jacqueline

This poem came to my mind when I heard of Senator John McCain’s passing. I don’t know him personally except for what was made public, but I developed a healthy amount of respect for him as I read a bit more about him. May His Soul Find Rest.


Field of Souls…Scene 2


Terror, Poetry

He heard them.
They were coming
but he couldn’t run.

The Earth spurted blood
black birds circled in foreboding,
this farm is a prison and he’s its convict.

In a bright panorama,
he saw horrific things,
things that jarred his senses in an unspeakable way

The beaten and the burnt,
the hung and the torn,
the shackled and the maimed.

The tears, the gore,
and the stench of death filled his nostrils,
it clung to his skin and seeped into his bones.


Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

For Scene 1 – check this link

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Field of Souls…scene 1

Terror, Poetry


He walked the fields
the whispering ears of corn
caused him to shiver

tendrils of the melon
entwined his ankles
in an attempt to pull him down

ripe melons turned into heads
gruesomely lopped off
and rolling on the plantation floor

The sights he saw
made him break out in a cold sweat
his feet rooted to the ground too heavy to move



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The Daily Post

Buried Secrets…

Image result for bloody hatchet

The hatchet was buried
where no one would find it,
or so they thought.

It was a nasty surprise
to see it leaning on the barn door
smeared in fresh blood.

Too many things didn’t seem right,
each day throwing up a new surprise,
they dug deeper to bury more secrets.

