Positive Affirmation Challenge

What About You? Affirmation Challenge Day 46

I am a self-contained oasis of peace.

For me, being a self-contained oasis of peace does not imply floating in a bubble. It means accepting myself to the core of my being.  It means being able to forgive myself for my mistakes. It means being totally fine with who I am and not struggling to become another person that I am not even though I also realistically evaluate things that I need to improve upon. It means NO Shame. None!Image result for image quotes about inner peace

Being at peace doesn’t mean being perfect or detached and does not imply that all that needs to be done has been done. It’s striving to find balance, understanding my dreams, desires, beliefs, values, and goals and aligning them. It means walking my path with no apologies, hesitation or second-guessing. Being at peace is realizing that some things just don’t matter and letting them go.

Being at peace with myself is understanding that not everyone will like me and that I may not like them as well, but having enough perspective to treat everyone with respect.

I am not constantly high on life. I have many bad days when I feel angry at myself or disappointed with my choices. I have low moments when depression and PTSD weigh me down, but even in the midst of chaos, there’s a calmness of spirit.

Premsank: My quote from Buddha: The tragedy of life is not death but what we let die inside of us while we live.

Eugenia “Let nothing dim the light that shines from within” – Maya Angelou

Righteousbruin9 Each of us appeals to some people, and not to others. Having been in both groups, I can only say- Carry on.


P.S. If you wish to join this positive affirmation challenge running for 90 days, please add your quote to the comments and each day, I’ll share everyone’s quote with their links.

#LawofAttraction, #Manifestation, #Believe #Thepowerofpositivethinking, #positiveaffirmations, #abundancementality, #findinggreaterjoy, #BodyMindSpirit, #ShiftingPerspectives, #FulfilledLife #PurposeDriven #IamEnough #IamBeautiful

Positive Affirmation Challenge

What About You? Affirmation Challenge Day 6

Each day, I’ll choose to believe in myself and to give myself all the chances that I need even if I have to press the reset button 99.9 times. I believe in abundance and not in scarcity. Jacqueline

Abundance mentality

#Thepowerofpositivethinking, #positiveaffirmations, #abundancementality, #findinggreaterjoy, #Believe

Excellent Quote From Yesterday:

 “The Lord Will Fight for You. You need only Be Still.” – Exodus 14:14

At Times we want the world to move according to our schedule, our wants and needs, our whims. But when we try to solve problems without prayer and Gods Guidance, our burdens are too much. While others break without God’s strength, we stay standing, God is our Rock, and the one who will fight for us, even though this means we must relinquish control. For any human who prays and asks for Gods guidance, you can be sure God’s Support will provide relief. His answers are unexpected and sometimes, an outright ‘no.’ But often when we don’t receive everything we desire at present it’s to receive greater things ahead of us! Things that lack the suffering of our old desires.

P.S. If you wish to join this positive affirmation challenge running for 90 days, please add your quote to the comments and each day, I’ll share everyone’s quote with their links.

Positive Affirmation Challenge

What About You? Affirmation Challenge Day 5

Today, I’m grateful for a fulfilling day. For each moment of making my self-talk positive. I will have a good nights sleep and my subconscious will be activated with audacious, wholesome dreams, flooded with thoughts and images of the certainty of my success. Jacqueline

Peaceful, meditation

image credit

#positiveaffirmations, #walktall, #findingyou, #be.at.peace, #findinggreaterjoy

Excellent Quotes From Yesterday:

Mandibelle “The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion” — Paul Coelho-
I think this one is pretty straightforward. I’m not saying I’m always able to do it, or that everyone can be a positive example of action and change 24-7, but I think it’s a worthy goal. Even small actions change the world and those living in it, often in ways, we don’t ever realize.

Bernadette: Thinking of someone to love each day keeps your resentment away!” Richard Carlson

Oba: I am royalty, encapsulated in grace, endowed and empowered with positivity to nourish my space with Love-OBA

Oladewalaura: Learning is a gift even when pain is the teacher.
We all pass through pain before getting great success so it is not seen to be pain, it is believed to be the ability to attain greater height.

Winifred Mena-Ajakpovi: I am blessed beyond measure. I am made of more. Good things come to me

Jose Cosme: I have faith and confidence that I have everything I need to share my gifts and talents with the world.

Boma Anikwe: I’m me. I don’t live according to my dictates .i believe in divine orders, yet, audacious enough to make mistakes and learn from them because I am not my mistake. Everything in life happens in its set time. No need to rush into anything.
I only engage my time usefully yielding to the counsel of the Holy Spirit and acquiring new skills that will help me shine in my set time! I haven’t lost anything, no! I only gained experience. I have no regrets. That’s why I live and walk in dominion every day.

P.S. If you wish to join this positive affirmation challenge running for 90 days, please add your quote to the comments and each day, I’ll share everyone’s quote with their links.

Positive Affirmation Challenge

What About You? Affirmation Challenge Day 4

Each day, I’ll purge all negative chatter to create space for creativity and positive vibes to thrive in me.” Jacqueline

#positiveaffirmations, #walktall, #findingyou, #be.at.peace, #findinggreaterjoy

Mental Health, Creativity, Dream, Courage, Inspire, Harmony

P.S. If you wish to join this positive affirmation challenge running for 90 days, please add your quote to the comments and each day, I’ll share everyone’s quote with their links.

Positive Affirmation Challenge

What About You? Affirmation Challenge Day 3

‘Each day I will live my life in alignment with my life’s purpose bringing fulfilment and joy to everything that I do.’ Jacqueline

#positiveaffirmations, #walktall, #findingyou, #be.at.peace, #findinggreaterjoy


Living On Purpose, A Life of Purpose,

Excellent Quotes From Yesterday:

Bella: I am a peaceful and contented Soul. I am Calm, Still, and Happy. I am Whole and Healthy. I have the courage to face all situations. I can do this. www.thoughtsnlifeblog.com

Bernadette: Thankfulness is the soil in which joy thrives.

Ksbeth: gratitude always.

Mandibelle “So fill your heart with what’s important, and be done with all the rest.” Perhaps, we can choose our focus in life, and choose what we take to heart. Those things that hurt us or are not worth our time, should not be our goal to fix, change, or dwell on. Instead, we must focus on those things that better ourselves, our loved ones and families — things and thoughts that better the world. Forget the non-issues, or things we can’t control, that make us miserable and upset for no significant reason.”

BellyBytes: And the sun is always shining out there somewhere. So I won’t let the greyness get me down.

Marcellina Oparaoji “Things never go the way you expect them to. That’s both the joy and frustration in life. I’m finding as I get older that I don’t mind, though. It’s the surprises that tickle me the most, the things you don’t see coming.”

― Michael Stuhlbarg

P.S. If you wish to join this positive affirmation challenge running for 90 days, please add your quote to the comments and each day, I’ll share everyone’s quote with their links.

Positive Affirmation Challenge

What About You? Affirmation Challenge Day 2

Today, I’m blessed with a sound mind. I’m filled with love in my heart for myself and for others. Today, I make an effort to appreciate something about every person that I interact with.Image result for pinterest quotes on love

#positiveaffirmations, #walktall, #findingyou, #be.at.peace, #findinggreaterjoy

Excellent Quotes From Yesterday:

From Raili at Soul Gifts: Here’s my quote for today. I let Louis Hay’s book of affirmations fall open and this is what I got – “I allow love to flow freely. My supply of love is endless.”

From E Leukhardtblog “Life is a roller-coaster. There are ups, there are downs. But you always end up relieved and smiling. Hold on to the safety rail so you can always be smiling. “

From Mandibelle: “Love her but leave her wild” – by Atticus. This one has stuck with me awhile, and when I thought about it I concluded that to be loved but yet “wild” to be our natural self, and not have to be “tamed” or trapped by another, is a good goal in relationships and friendships. Choosing to be tamed by someone you love such as the fox in ‘the little prince,’ is one thing. But having a choice and even finding that within being tamed, you can still be wild and not have to hide your true self is important. To be loved for your wildness — your flaws and your good qualities is the best kind of love. It’s a love that doesn’t control each other or defines each other in a narrow box but allows each person to grow and be themselves within relationships, It forgives and doesn’t try to make someone be who they are not. It’s loving without a need to dictate one’s lover or friend’s behaviour and choices.

From Susieshy45: You are your own best friend- is my quote for today. You know what is best for you. While others are good in the physical sense, no human being can be 100% for you as you yourself.

and a couple of my lovely friends on Facebook joined in:

From Marcellina Oparaoji: Here’s is mine. I so believe in this:

“I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition.” ― Martha Washington

From Chandrima Chatterjee

Image may contain: people sitting, ocean and text

P.S. If you wish to join this positive affirmation challenge running for 90 days, please add your quote to the comments and each day, I’ll share everyone’s quote with their links.

Positive Affirmation Challenge

What About You? Affirmation Challenge.

I am a gifted woman. I walk tall. I’m taking the odds that life has given me and making them even. I walk the path of success. I’m a champion. What about you? Jacqueline

#positiveaffirmations, #walktall, #findingyou, #be.at.peace, #findinggreaterjoy

P.S. If you wish to join this positive affirmation challenge running for 90 days, please add your quote to the comments and each day, I’ll share everyone’s quote with their links.

Being Happy, Self-worth, Quotes