A poem about me..

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Half and Half.”


I am a writer and not a photographer, but when I saw the prompt Half and Half, I clung to it tenaciously and refused to look for a writing prompt. It echoed inside me, so it served as my prompt for Blogging 101 assignment Eleven.

I see me!
Two split parts of a whole.

Disgruntled me and Contented me.

Contented me. Your sunny child,
All cheery smiles and hearty spirit,
Blissfully happy and caring attitude,
Going Yay at everything. Let’s go! We can do it!
Thinking of all the possibilities and hiding the impossibilities,
At life, I look on with rose-colored spectacles,
Which tries to see an atom of good in everyone,
That me that always searches for the silver lining even in the darkest clouds,
A Progressive me, pushing to get ahead, to conquer the odds and every seeming insurmountable challenge.
Contented me, looks at the little blessings that grace my life each day, with gratitude.
Looking at how far I have come, at my beautiful family and whispers, a heartfelt thank you.
The Cultured me that takes in all the misadventures of life as a learning curve,
The Empathetic me seeking to make it better, doling out bits of comfort,
Wearing shock absorbers while tuning on the television

With ears adjusted to stable wavelength

So that I don’t hyperventilate from all the horrible news and more slick, slippery lying politicians

The Understanding me, the Honest me, the Encouraging Optimistic me, the Loyal me, the Confident Exuberant me, the Imaginative Helpful me and the list of me goes on.
The Me’s that paints a picture of perfection to cover the cracks of imperfection

Enters Disgruntled me.

The me that queries the why if at all? Why bother? Why not just laze around like a proverbial beach bum and watch the ships sail by?
The Disenfranchised me that battles with dreams that are yet to follow through. The incomplete and fragmented pictures of my life, simply getting on my nerves.
The Sunday horoscope is just never right!
The Tired me, not keen on playing good housewives and cooking until I find myself a darker shade in the face.
The Crazy me that wants to throw in the towel and run off barefoot with the rag-tag band of singing gypsies passing through town
The Impulsive me that wants to throw a fit and yell at the injustice of the World. The madness, the sad news and the toothy politicians.
A Sullen, Annoyed me wanting to take a bite out of someone’s blimpy backside
The Quarrelsome me, scouting for something to quarrel over. The sky is light blue and not pastel blue and you better not dare to disagree.
The Dissatisfied me, Depressed me, Finicky me, Pessimistic me, Conceited Arrogant me and God knows how many vices are tucked up my sleeves.

Well there you have it!
Contented me and Disgruntled me,
Mixed with some jiggery-pokery,
To make a Wholesome me.
A nice sweet and sour blend of humanness with a few grainy lumps,
A little rough at the edges but built for the long haul.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Below is my first Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

Out of the silent breath

89 thoughts on “A poem about me..

  1. This captures the state of my heart and offer no apologies for being all of me, all the good and all the bad makes me uniquely me.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Two sides to all of us…A mirror of myself in some of your words.Simply beautiful and “wordful” poem. Keep up the great writing!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. You’re beautiful inside and out! ❤ Always wonderful to read your words ( I have missed reading them <) and may I say…you are rockin those glasses 😉 xo

    Liked by 3 people

  4. This is marvelous–you write wonderfully, and must be quite entertaining to those you’re close to: a fun wife and mom, and friend! I so relate to needing shock absorbers when watching TV… I gather you enjoy cooking, which I do as well–do you have some great recipes to share?

    Liked by 4 people

  5. Je me suis arrêtée ici car Barry White m’accueillait avec “The way you are”…. et je me suis dit qu’il fallait lire les mots. Agréablement surprise je reviendrais c’est certain. Merci pour ce partage.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Yesterday when I discovered your profile I did not get time to check out your About Me -Poem plus I was already overwhelmed with your incredible blog in one day,so thought will leave some for the next day as well 😉 Now that I am here again I must say you are one of the most versatile and wonderful blogs I have seen out here. How you manage such a powerful play of words I dunno. But it is awesome to have discovered you and I hope to connect with you more.
    “A nice sweet and sour blend of humanness with a few grainy lumps,
    A little rough at the edges but built for the long haul.” I am still gaping at the sheer magnificence of these lines 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Aww! You make me so happy to read this. I am glad that we’ve connected in this space. Thank you very much for your awesome comments.
      Now Let me use the opportunity to invite you to the Bloggers brunch that I am hosting over the weekend Saturday – Sunday. I believe it will be fun to mingle with others. The invitation is titled, It’s Brunch Party Time. I will send one out again tomorrow. My regards.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. A fantastic post 🙂 I especially liked the parts about not being keen on playing good housewives and running off with a band of gypsies. I couldn’t help but chuckle as read. I’m delighted to have found your amazing blog thanks to a recommendation from another amazing blogger 🙂 Happy Sunday!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for visiting. I am glad that we connected. It just makes the blogging World a wonderful place and I really enjoy the company of a lot of people that I meet here. I will be by your end to get know you better. My regards 😊


  8. There is so much here! Really well done. I am one who thinks that examination of the self is always worthwhile, and when you can put what you find into words, well that’s a gift isn’t it? Thanks for sharing your gift!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. dear, u just so good.
    That was unique and creative of you.
    i love your posts and site as a whole.
    and yeah, thanks for visiting my site.
    i must say ur presence there was appreciated.
    love you


  10. Sounds like me Jacqueline. I have really enjoyed reading this post and I love your conclusion especially the jiggery pokery mix to form a wholesome you. I use the term jiggery pokery a lot, love it 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Oh that was a big romp through your state of mind and heart and it was delightful to read. Thank you. All my best. Thank you.


  12. Hi Jacqueline,
    Revisiting here to see how much more relevant my comments are at the present time.
    I hope to purchase your poetry book next month when I get paid.


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