Echos Of My Neighbourhood · Travel

From One Louvre To The Other Louvre…

I remember the curving, infernal queue of visitors waiting to go into the Louvre museum in Paris and still regret my impatience to date. The plan to go back the following day never quite panned out and that was how I missed the opportunity to feed my eyes with all the priceless art pieces kept there.

With the opening of Louvre Abu Dhabi, I wasn’t going to miss out on the chance to visit this museum and the latest addition to places to visit in the UAE. I can assure you, it was well worth the 2 and half hours of leisurely drive from Dubai.

There was equally a curving queue – but not like the unending queue in Paris. We waited patiently to purchase our tickets before we could roam freely to feed our soul through our eyes. As usual, I took loads of photos – that I’m yet to curate.

The awe-inspiring structure had 23 galleries of treasures spanning different eras in history. Each gallery would take about 30 to 45 minutes depending on how long you wish to stare at Alexander The Greats torso 😉

The hours flew past so fast and by the time we were ready to leave, it was closing time. I daresay if they had left me in there until the following day – with food and duvet hopefully – I wouldn’t have complained.

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Quick Tips For Museum Visits

  1. Take a guided tour – if you can afford one. The guide explains the artworks, its backgrounds and significance. It can be quite informative and enlightening.
  2. Follow the numbers. Follow the unique numbers of each gallery. This way you know where you have been and eliminate the chances of roaming around in circles.
  3. Wear something warm or carry a cloak just in case. Museums can get pretty cold inside because they are set at relatively cooler temperatures to protect the artefacts and after spending several hours in a cold one, it gets quite chilly.
  4. Wear comfortable shoes. Wearing comfortable footwear ensures that you enjoy the experience without hobbling and howling.
  5. Turn Off Your Flash! For sure taking photos for your Instagram and all the social networks you are on is great – otherwise, how will anyone know you went there – but do remember that these great works of art that have lived for thousands of years for you to admire, need to be preserved for other generations.
  6. Be mindful of others and keep your voice level low. For some people, visiting the museum is almost a spiritual and calming thing. They don’t want their experience to be marred by the uncouth rowdy behaviour of others.
  7. Prepare to be hungry and thirsty. All that walking around with oohing and aahing certainly increases your appetite. Pack something that you can eat in the café or grab a quick bite in the mmuseums’café.
  8. Take your time and soak it all in.

5 thoughts on “From One Louvre To The Other Louvre…

  1. Wow! I’ve never been to the Louvre. Museums in Europe during my one and only trip, but we didn’t go to Paris, Venice, yes, but mostly we were in Bavaria. You have some beautiful photos, and your tips are so good. They really should be posted at the door of every museum in the world, and in every hotel room for tourists to read before they make that visit. It amazed me when I saw women with high heels trying to take the tours clacking away on the floor and disturbing the peaceful surroundings.


  2. So glad you got to go to the Louvre in Dubai! We got the chance to go to the Louvre in Paris and yes it was breathtaking. But here is the funny story. We were captivated by so much of it, then we went outside in the courtyard and spent a lot of time there by the fountain for it was perfect weather and just so surreal. Went back inside the Louvre for awhile and then it was time to go. It wasn’t until we were on our way back to the hotel that it dawned on us, we never saw the famous “Mona Lisa!” We totally had forgotten it was there and there was just so much to see. 🙂 so OOPS!

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