
Christmas Nostalgia – Have a Merry One My Lovelies.

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I don’t know why but in the midst of present Christmas celebrations – low-key in the UAE – I suffer from deep pangs of nostalgia for Christmas’s of my childhood. I relive them with heartfelt gratitude to my parents who always made each Christmas special.

I hope you have a wonderful time of the year with your loved ones.

I am sharing an old Christmas post of mine. It’s Christmas made in Nigeria.


20 thoughts on “Christmas Nostalgia – Have a Merry One My Lovelies.

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  1. Jacqui: I hope your Christmas day brings you joy and peace. You have brought joy to us all throughout the past year with your lovely posts and heartfelt encouragement. Bless you my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Merry Christmas Jacquelne. I have been there during Christmas in the UAE and it is very low-key. I hope you will have a wonderful Christmas meal with your family and enjoy the new Year.


  3. I know what you mean, my dear Jacqueline. It snowed last night while we were in church, and the ranch is beautiful. Still, even a dream come true seems very strange with most of my family so far away. There’s much much worse than strange. Be blessed, dear friend, and keep praying it forward.


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