My Thinking Corner

Growing Happiness – My Thinking Corner

Happiness, My Thinking Corner, State of Mind, Mental Health

Don’t go chasing to harvest happiness from afar when you haven’t even bothered to plant and water it where you are. Jacqueline

Your happiness is always where you kept it. It’s not acquired through materialism and it’s not what happens to you.

It may be absent on some days when the going is rough, but always know that it’s there in the midst of chaos, pain, sadness, failure, success, peace and all the ups and downs of life.

We harp so much on happiness that sometimes this sells the idea that we have to be in a euphoric state, floating and gliding through life that those who don’t feel that way are left wondering if something is wrong and a cycle to buy happiness commences which only leaves the purchaser shortchanged.

Accepting that it’s okay to be just okay is a key to contentment.

Growing your happiness will never be a destination that you get to and all of a sudden everything is just as perfect as you want it, but a mindset that you build from within and know that despite every situation you will remain in charge of your state of being.


Please, do check out my new book ‘Unbridled,’ now available on Amazon. Your reviews will be most appreciated.

My Latest Book is in Town. Grab a copy on Amazon.

Book cover, Unbridled, Poetry book, Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha, Bold Must-read

Available in paperback on Amazon. Check This Link

You can watch the trailer below


12 thoughts on “Growing Happiness – My Thinking Corner

  1. I like that Jacqueline – happiness is a mindset. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
    And on the publication of your second book, congratulations! Love the video trailer – very nice touch.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Well I love the form of marketing you’ve used here Jacqueline. I’m well impressed – not only with the video but with the fact that you have published 2 books already. Your accomplishments inspire me but also makes me feel ashamed! 😊
        Amongst other things, I’m in a situation where I’m having to re-apply for my current job and where my employers have decided to downgrade our team’s salary.
        God is still on his throne though…
        Thanks for asking.


      2. Oh! Carol, I feel you about your job situation and that’s enough to unsettle anyone. I’ve learnt that when things are happening there’s a higher plan. God might want you to start looking forward and not settle with your current job. At the right time, things will fall into place with your writing. In my own case, I’m even way behind with the things that I need to do. I had planned to have three of my book projects out this year, but it’s looking more like it’s going to be two. There’s just so much to balance.
        Do take care of yourself and keep looking up.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Dear Jacqueline, thank you for your encouragement which is appreciated.
        My goodness, are you sure you are not called superwoman? I don’t know how you do it. 1 book this year is an achievement – 2 or 3 is amazing! All the best with your endeavours and thanks once again for your encouragement.

        Liked by 1 person

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