
Quick Tips For Budding Photographers

So you’ve caught the passion for photography? As a beginner consider these tips on camera, learning, experiment, and practice below as you commence the journey of finding your foot in the huge world of image making.

Beginner photographers, digital photography, photo tips, camera, learning, experiment, practice

1. Resist the urge to splurge.

Yes indeed, this is a common weakness of picking up a passion especially one like photography. The urge to buy an expensive camera and many gadgets that you believe would make your images great. simply kicks in. It’s quite possible to get great shots with an inexpensive point and shoot cameras. The important thing is understanding the gadget that you are presently using and practice, practice, practice. By the time you are ready for an upgrade, you have a better idea of what you want. Going overboard to acquire gadgets sometimes leads to spending on things that we may end up not using.

2. Don’t be afraid to experiment.

Your cheap point and shoot camera might just surprise you with its output when you invest time to go through its manual and understand it. Play around and shoot with different settings and focal points as much as you can to see what you like and what works best.

3. Get a tripod or lightweight Gorillapod.

This gives your photos stability especially if your hands are not steady. Your images would turn out way better and there are lots of inexpensive tripods that you can invest in. Read More…

6 thoughts on “Quick Tips For Budding Photographers

  1. I use my Samsung Cell phone. This phone takes great pictures, videos and the photos immediately go up to the Cloud where I can email, text or put them in my photography blog Roaming Urban Gypsy.
    I do have a Fuji Digital camera that I received as a gift in 2012 but I rarely use it. Actually I’ve been blessed with more than one digital camera but I still prefer either my Samsung phone or the tablet I used to own. Since many of my photos are taken while I’m either going to or coming from work the camera is too bulky whereas the phone just slips in either my pocket or purse. I can take the photos and keep on trucking. I have more vacation time coming in May and August so let’s see what transpires. So far I’ve been fortunate in finding fascinating things to photograph. NYC lends itself to photography.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. great tips.. i use my lenovo cellphone and i have one mini tripod and one bigger budget tripod called photron stedy 450. yes stripods are necessary to get steady pictures..


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